Scary story #55 A scary story I experienced when I was delivering newspapers. umecobucha1231 Japanese horror stories gallery
Scary story #54 Scary story about a mother and child I met on the last train. umecobucha1231 Japanese horror stories gallery
Scary story #53 Scary story about a room with a ghost with only a head umecobucha1231 Japanese horror stories gallery
Scary story #50 Scary story about the "watch shack" at my school. umecobucha1231 Japanese horror stories gallery
Scary story #47 A Scary story about his high school romance. umecobucha1231 Japanese horror stories gallery
Scary story #45 A scary story that happened because a man got a woman pregnant. umecobucha1231 Japanese horror stories gallery
Scary story #44 A scary story a mother and daughter experienced on a trip to a hot spring.(latter part) umecobucha1231 Japanese horror stories gallery
Scary story #43 A scary story a mother and daughter experienced on a trip to a hot spring.(first part) umecobucha1231 Japanese horror stories gallery