Strange story

#149 Naar Naash

About 7-8 years ago, I was obsessed with gemstones and collected various ones. I wasn’t expecting any mysterious effects from them; I simply found them beautiful.

Despite being a man, I had a fondness for shiny things. However, as a newly employed professional at the time, I couldn’t afford expensive gemstones, so I turned to affordable power stones. Once I started collecting them, I became passionate about it, and before I knew it, I had gathered a collection of various stones.

One day, while searching for rare finds on an online auction site, I came across a black, egg-shaped stone. It was a Labradorite egg, about 10 cm tall. I already had a few Labradorite stones myself, but the one in the listing photo appeared more beautiful and emitted a mystical light compared to any of them.

…I wanted it. I wanted it badly.

For some reason, I was inexplicably drawn to it, and to my surprise, the price was set at a remarkably low value. It was practically a giveaway, and I couldn’t help but wonder, “How can it be so high-grade yet so cheap?”

Although the price of the same type of stone varies depending on its grade, this one looked like a top-quality gem. Reading the seller’s description, it seemed they had bought it during a trip abroad. Perhaps because it had already changed hands once, it couldn’t be sold at a higher price… I understood the reasoning behind it.

Some people are strictly against buying second-hand gemstones, but I didn’t mind at all. So I immediately placed a bid and won the auction.

Soon enough, the stone arrived. It was carefully packaged and was as stunningly beautiful as it appeared in the photos. Since it was so inexpensive, I had a slight concern that it might be a cheap imitation instead, but there was no doubt it was the same stone as in the pictures.

Feeling pleased with my purchase, I tried to access the internet to thank the seller, but I found that their registration information had been deleted.

The Labradorite became more and more mesmerizing the more I looked at it. Gazing at its blue-white radiance, I felt an indescribable sense of ecstasy, and that night, I fell asleep tightly gripping the stone.

I had a peculiar dream that night.

In a dim forest somewhere, I was tied to a large tree, and in front of me stood about ten small children. They all had black hair and tanned skin, dressed in clothing that resembled near-nudity. They all pointed at me and said in unison,

“Naar, Naash.”

They repeat it over and over again.


I’m bewildered, unable to understand the meaning, when I sense something moving above my head, making a dragging sound. Something large is on the tree I’m tied to.

But I can’t confirm it because I can’t move my neck or look up. In front of me, the children continue to repeat “Naar, Naash” without change. Upon closer inspection, all the children have expressionless faces, as if devoid of vitality… Suddenly filled with horror, I desperately try to wriggle and escape—but I wake up.

I’m breathing heavily, drenched in sweat. My heart is pounding intensely. I check the clock and it’s already morning. I realize that what just happened was a dream and feel relieved. I had a strange dream. As I descend from the second-floor bedroom to the first floor to take a shower, I encounter my sister, who woke up earlier (I live with my parents).

Me: “Good morning.”

Sister: “Good morning. What’s with your eyes? What happened?”

Me: “My eyes?” I’m told to look in the mirror, and I see that my right eye is completely bloodshot.

For the next few days, I started having this peculiar dream frequently. Me, bound. Children whispering “Naar, Naash.” Something on the tree. Each time, I wake up drenched in sweat, relieved that it was just a dream.

There might be some important meaning behind it… At first, I didn’t pay much attention to it, but as I continue to have the same dream, I can no longer dismiss it as just a dream. And after having this dream, my right eye is always bloodshot. Come to think of it, I started having these dreams after purchasing that black stone. I began to wonder if there’s some connection to that stone.

After purchasing it, I always carried that black stone with me. When I gazed at it, I was captivated by a strange euphoric sensation and never wanted to let go of it for a moment. I kept it in my pocket when I went out, brought it with me during baths, and even held it in my hand while sleeping. Quite literally, I cherished it and kept it close to me at all times. Looking back now, I realize it was slightly abnormal.

But considering the dreams, it started to feel somewhat eerie. One day, as I was staring at the stone on the table in the living room, my relatives’ children came to visit. Two young children, a 5-year-old boy named S and a 7-year-old girl named K.

S: “What are you looking at?”

K: “What’s that? Show me, show me!” Until that moment, I hadn’t shown the stone to anyone. But when the children pleaded, I couldn’t refuse, so I showed it to them.

K: “Wow, it’s beautiful!”

S: “…Ah” While K was excited, S seemed frightened.

I asked, “What’s wrong?”

S: “That… is scary.”

For some reason, S was afraid of the stone.

K laughed and said, “What’s that?”

But nothing else happened at that moment, and the two of them went outside to play together.

Later, in the evening after dinner, when we were getting ready for my relatives to leave, I was tidying up the kitchen and suddenly felt someone standing behind me. When I turned around, it was K.

Me: “K, is something wrong?” Her behavior seemed odd.

K had a pale complexion, empty eyes, and foamy saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Me: “K, what’s the matter? Are you okay?” As I bent down and brought my face closer, K muttered softly,


I didn’t understand what had happened. When I regained consciousness, I found myself pressing my face and collapsing, with S’s crying voice in the background. Hearing this, my uncle, who was visiting with my relatives, rushed over.

I quickly got up, but my uncle told me not to move and made me sit in a chair. I was bleeding from around my right eye, and I watched the blood dripping onto the floor in a daze.

(What? What just happened? I was talking to K-chan…)

Me: “Uncle, what about K-chan?”

Uncle: “K? She’s right there. Hold on, Mom is bringing a towel.” As he said that, I looked, and K-chan was standing beside me.

With a puzzled expression, K-chan said, “Big brother, what’s wrong?” At my feet, there was a fruit knife stained with blood. Yes, just now, she suddenly… slashed at my face. But… I don’t understand why. And right before she attacked me, she definitely said it.


I was immediately taken to the hospital. Fortunately, my eyeball was unharmed, and although there was a scar above my right eye, there were no issues with my vision.

Since nobody witnessed the incident, it was concluded that I accidentally cut myself with the knife when I fell. Later, I asked K-chan casually, but she said, “I noticed you collapsed,” and didn’t seem to remember anything.

I couldn’t bring myself to blame K-chan, and the fact that she muttered “Naash” was eerie, so I decided not to delve too deep into it.

Afterward, I stopped carrying the black stone with me. It must be the cause. Come to think of it, I had let K-chan touch that stone just before the incident. There’s something strange about this stone… With that thought, I decided to let go of the stone. However, I couldn’t bring myself to simply throw it away, so I decided to consult my friend Y, who claimed to have spiritual sensitivity.

I had heard a few of Y’s paranormal experiences before, although they were often talked about among friends as jokes, so I myself was somewhat skeptical of Y’s actual spiritual sensitivity. Nevertheless, I decided to contact Y as a last resort.

Y: “Oh, it’s you. Long time no see.” It had been several months since I last contacted Y, so we exchanged a few casual remarks before getting to the main topic.

Me: “Y, you said you have spiritual sensitivity, right? Is that for real?”

Y: “Huh?… Oh, so that’s what this is about?” Y seemed to have a vague premonition, and their voice suddenly became solemn.

Me: “You know I’ve been collecting gemstones and stuff, right? Recently, I found something that gives off a strange vibe.”

Y: “You want me to take a look at it?” Me: “Yeah…” After a short pause, Y spoke again.

Y: “Okay, but… Hey, is there anyone around you right now? Is the TV on or something?”

Me: “No, I’m alone in the room.”

Y: “Ah… I’m not sure what to do.”

Me: “Is something wrong?”

Y: “Well… Can I come to your place tomorrow?”

Me: “Huh? No, I’ll come over. Don’t worry about it.”

Y: “That’s fine. I’ll come. Just wait for me.”

A few days later, Y arrived at my house in the afternoon. Y: “Hey.” Me: “Welcome. Come on in.” My whole family was out that day, so I led the visibly tense Y into the living room.

Y: “…So, about this stone you mentioned?”

Me: “Here it is.” As I took out the stone, Y’s expression changed.

Y: “…” Me: “Y?” Y stared at the stone intently, then spoke.

Y: “How did you get your hands on this…? Did someone give it to you?”

Me: “No, I bought it on an online auction.”

Y: “Ah… I see.” Y nodded as if understanding and let out a deep sigh.

Y: “…I don’t really know for sure, but it seems like some kind of sacred object, you know?”

Me: “Sacred object?”

Y: “Not Japanese, something from another country… Well, it’s better to have it entrusted to a proper place. I don’t think it has a positive influence or anything.”

After a moment of silence, Y: “Hey, are your eyes okay? Your right eye.”

Me: “Huh?” I felt a jolt of surprise.

Ever since I had that strange dream, my right eye always becomes bloodshot afterward.

Y: “Whenever I look at this stone, my eyes hurt. There must be something going on with it.”

Me: “…”

Y: “…Hey. If you want, should I take care of this stone?” I was honestly taken aback by this unexpected offer.

Y: “I know someone who can properly store things like this. I’ll give it to them.” Y: “It’s not good to keep it here anymore…” Y’s proposition was genuinely appreciated.

With fear now deeply rooted within me, I had been wanting to part with this stone.

Me: “It would be a relief for me, but is that alright?”

Y: “Yeah, well, we’re already in it together. It’s probably better for those kids too.”

Me: “Thank you, I appreciate it… Wait, what do you mean by ‘those kids’?”

Y: “There are a lot of children around you. They’re all pointing at you, you know.” …Honestly, it sent shivers down my spine.

Y: “Okay, I’ll contact you after the handover is done.” And so, on that day, Y took the stone with them, and I finally felt a sense of relief from my worries. I thought I could sleep peacefully from now on. But then, I had another dream.

Before I knew it, I found myself in a dim forest. There was a large tree, and half-naked children, just like always. What was different this time was that all the children were clinging to me, and Y was tied to the tree in front of me.

Y, with a frightened face, was shouting something at me and desperately trying to wriggle free. I could see that his right eye had been gouged out, and black, muddy-like blood was flowing.

I tried my best to escape, but I was held down with an incredible force that didn’t match the strength of children—ten of them, to be exact. I couldn’t even flinch.

“Naar.” “Naash.”

The children muttered, and something moved in the upper part of the tree where Y was tied. It was something I couldn’t see before. But from this position, I could see it.

A giant serpent. A pale-blue scaled serpent slithered down the tree towards Y. Above Y’s head, it opened its large mouth wide.

Y was screaming and crying, but I couldn’t hear his voice. And then, his face neatly fit into the snake’s mouth as it coiled around him, and his head was effortlessly severed.

I watched in a daze. On Y’s torso, still tied to the tree, the snake turned its face toward me.

A snake with no right eye.

That’s when I woke up. It was early morning. I was breathing heavily, my heart pounding fiercely. I was drenched in sweat, and my face was wet with tears. For a while, I hugged myself on the bed and cried.

Y was dead. Devoured by a snake. But it was just a dream. Just a dream. I repeated those words to myself, trying to calm down. Still, I decided to wait for Y to contact me, driven by an odd sense of unease, rather than contacting him first.

I learned about Y’s death four days later. He had jumped out into the opposite lane near the entrance of a tunnel while driving and collided with an oncoming car.

When I went to the accident site, there were hardly any traces of the incident left. I could faintly see fragments of glass and what appeared to be tire marks.

…Why did Y die? As I looked at those traces, I pondered vaguely. Was it my fault? Was it because I brought up such a discussion that Y was killed by that black stone?

Even after nearly ten years have passed since that accident, I still can’t shake off the feeling of regret. I can’t possibly believe that the dream had nothing to do with Y’s death.

What were those snake and children? I posted this story hoping someone would hear it and have some answers.

Does anyone understand or know something? But I’m sorry. With K-chan and Y involved, I’ve never shared this with anyone before, so I don’t know if there will be any consequences from reading this.

However, that snake seems to be extremely persistent. I still have that dream, even now. My right eye has become blind due to cataracts, and I still have fragments of that black stone I found at the scene of Y’s accident.

It’s still incredibly beautiful.


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