Scary story

#120 a model of the human body

This is a horror story that I experienced at my college.
One time, I was in the on-campus refreshment area, a kind of break room.
I was working frantically with a friend on a report that was due tomorrow.
However, it turned out to be more difficult than expected and before we knew it, the sun had set and we were all alone in the refreshment area.
We were chatting and enjoying our time together.
We were enjoying chatting, and as is often the case, the chit-chat somehow turned into a conversation about love.
Then my friend suddenly said something like this:
“My senior told me that there is a jinx that everyone’s love life is guaranteed to succeed.”
I thought the word “jinx” is used more often in a negative sense. I had my doubts.
I was intrigued by the simple but honest statement that anyone can achieve success in love, and I listened to my friend’s story.

My friend said, “Do you know the Expression Building near Building 7?
I heard that if you make a wish on a model of the human body there, your wish will come true.”
I had heard many rumors about the school, but this was the first time I had heard of it.
It was funny just to imagine asking for help from a model of a human body, but I decided to go to the Expression building with my friend because of the atmosphere of the place.

The Expression Building was older than any other building on campus, and it looked as if it would easily collapse in an earthquake.

I looked at my friend and saw that he was staring at a room on the second floor of the Expression building, as if the high level of tension he had just experienced in her love story was a lie.

I was getting a little creepy, but my friend said, “Let’s go. But when I saw my friend’s back figure at that time, I had a very eerie feeling.
I told my friend, who had already started to go up the stairs, that I was scared and that I was going back after all.
My friend replied, “Okay, bye” and quickly went up the stairs.
I thought about waiting outside, but I didn’t want to be there.
I texted my friend that I would be waiting for her in the refreshment area.
I waited for about 30 minutes for my friend to come back, but she didn’t show up.
My friend is somewhat on the loose side, so I thought she might have left the expression building and gone to a different place.
“Where are you?” I texted her
She immediately replied.
“I’m not doing well at all. I couldn’t convince him… You should come and help me too, quickly.”
I could not grasp the meaning of the sentence.
I got scared of the funny email and wrote back.
“Come back soon! I’ll be in the refreshment area.”

Then the reply. “I can’t come back right away, it’ll take some convincing. It’s on the second floor of the Expression Wing, so you’d better come quick.”
I was terrified and my body was shaking. She was talking to me, but what she was saying was obviously not right.
I suspected she was trying to scare me with a joke, but there was none of her usual banter in his writing.
It was similar to the administrative emails I received at Circle and at work.
Is my friend saying that he needs my help because she is having a hard time convincing a human body model to come to him?
I said, “I have to go home now, sorry. See you tomorrow.” I sent a text message and tried not to think about it any more deeply.
After that, I did not receive any more emails from my friend.
The next day, when I went to school, my friend was not in one of the lectures that she usually attends.
Worried, I asked my friend on her cell phone, “Are you okay? Did something happen after that yesterday?” I sent a text message.
The reply came immediately.
“I’m just a little sick and sleeping at home, so I’m fine. Thanks for your concern.”
I was relieved at the normal response, but then I received a second email from my friend in quick succession.”My boyfriend committed suicide this morning. I’m still in a lot of trouble with the police and everything. You know what I mean?I was able to convince anatomical model of the human body.”

Since then, I have never had anything to do with my friend.


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