Scary story

#74 Sound of water

This was 10 years ago, when I was a college student.

I attended a university in a rural area, or rather, in a fairly rural area, and many of the students were very modest people.
Even though they were not that popular, by the time they were in their fourth year, they had all the credits they needed to graduate.
They would go on graduation trips abroad with the money they had saved up from their part-time jobs.
However, I had been living a very lazy life, and even after my senior year, I still did not have enough credits to graduate.
I was not able to go on a graduation trip because I had not earned enough credits and had used up most of the money from my part-time job.
However, there are people like me, and we ended up hanging out with the same four people we always hang out with.
We ended up staying for free at the company recreation center or training center where the father of one of them works.
It was not much of a facility, but we were told that the company does not have many opportunities to use it these days, and we were allowed to stay there for free.
We were allowed to stay there as many nights as we wanted on the condition that we cleaned and hung out the futon to dry.
We decided to stay for about a week, so we got into a car and drove to the training center.

We drove about two and a half hours into the mountains to the training center, which we found according to the map.
The center had not been used recently, and no caretaker had been assigned to the center.
The place smelled musty as soon as we entered, and we were horrified to think that we would really be sleeping in such a place, but it was manageable if it was cleaned.
First of all, including checking the situation, we all walked around the building one room at a time, using a bunch of keys borrowed from the father.

The layout of the building was quite small.
As explained by the father, there were 2 rooms for 4 people on the first floor, 4 rooms on the second floor, 1 shared bathroom, and a toilet.
There was a dining room, and a kitchen.
However, there was one door that could not be opened.
It is at the end of the corridor on the second floor (there are two rooms on each side of the corridor).
It does not look particularly unusual, i.e., it is not sealed or anything like that.
It just can’t be opened with any of the keys in the bunch.
From the way I looked around the building and the structure of the rooms, it was easy to tell that it was a bathroom.
According to the father’s explanation, there is only one toilet.
I had already confirmed that there was a toilet when I looked at the first floor. Then this is….
I thought it was just a mistake in my father’s memory and that the toilet was out of order or something.
I didn’t pay attention to the “unopened door” any more than that.

After that, each of us set about cleaning the assigned areas, and by nightfall, we had managed to get into a livable condition.
As for the room assignments, one person was to stay in each of the four rooms on the second floor.
That day, thanks to the fatigue of cleaning and alcohol, we entered each room rather early and went to sleep.

My body was so tired that it was hard to stay awake, but I could not fall asleep.
I was in bed with my feet facing the hallway and the sound was like walking on water coming from behind the door at my feet.
What was that sound? Was it my imagination?
This time I was sure I heard it twice, loud and clear.
The sounds were getting narrower and narrower, but I was sure I could hear them.
It sounded like something sticky dripping on the floor of the corridor.
I look at my watch.

What are the other members doing at this hour?

I couldn’t stand the fear any longer, so I half-righted myself on the bed and said to the corridor.
“Is there someone in there? Hey!”
There is no answer.
I get out of bed, open the door, and slowly look around the hallway, only sticking my head out.
At the end of the corridor, in front of the “unopened door”, there IT stood.
My cries did not become screams, only faint voices echoed in the hallway.
But I was too cowering to run away, and I couldn’t take my eyes off IT.

IT is dressed in a dirty yukata. The front of the yukata is exposed, revealing a woman’s underwear.
The arms and legs extending out from the yukata are skinny, and only the belly is oddly swollen.
One of her slender arms extends to her face, and one hand firmly rests on her mouth.
Her eyes widen, and for a moment you think they have gone blank.
Vomit and diarrhea ooze out from between the fingers of the hand holding her mouth, dripping onto the floor.
It slowly approaches me, scattering vomit and diarrhea on the floor.
“What the hell is this? Hey, hey, run!” I said to myself.
My mind was a jumble of thoughts, and I couldn’t move my body as much as I wanted to.
However, only my eyes were staring at IT.
Suddenly, her eyes widened even more, and the hand holding her mouth broke and vomit and diarrhea spewed out all at once.
I felt a spray of vomit and diarrhea on my face, and I came back to myself.
I came to my senses and screamed.
I let out a shrill scream, slammed the door fast and furiously, and crawled into bed.

Then I felt my friend, who had heard my scream, come out of the room across the street.
“What the hell, it’s so loud in the middle of the night… ”
A shrill scream. The sound of running down the hallway. Then a violent sound of falling down the stairs.
The sound woke up the other two friends, and they came out into the hallway.
But this time, they knocked on my room without screaming.
I half-cried as I left the room.
In a muffled voice, he said, “Ka, stairs, stairs! I pointed in the direction of the stairs and crouched down on the spot.
One of my friends went to the stairs and found the other one who had fallen down with a loud crash and immediately called an ambulance.
The ambulance arrived shortly after, and the friend who fell down the stairs appeared to have several broken bones and was unconscious.
He was rushed to the hospital.
I could not stay in this place any longer, so I got into the ambulance as an escort.

The next day, I left my friend in the hospital.
(He regained consciousness at the hospital, but I could not have a good conversation with him because he was still in the middle of treatment.)
I returned to the training center alone.

I told my two friends who were waiting for me what happened last night, but they did not see anything.
I told my two friends who were waiting for me about what happened last night, but they did not see anything.
Anyway, I didn’t want to stay here any longer, so I packed my luggage and left the training center.

What in the world was that IT? What was that unopened door…?

After returning home, I explained to my father, who works for the company that owns the training center, what had happened.
He looked at me with a startled look, and then began to tell me the story in a whispered voice.

About 3 years ago, when we were still using the training center frequently
About three years ago, when we still used the training center frequently, we invited an outside lecturer to conduct a two-week self-development seminar for the 12 new employees who had joined the company that year.
The content of the seminar was quite hard, and the rules bound them in all aspects of life, not to mention their manners as members of society.
Among the 12 participants was a woman.
She had a rather slender figure and was quite a picky eater, not to say that she had many likes and dislikes.
Naturally, there’s no way the instructor would allow them to leave food out of the meal..
She would force the leftovers into her mouth and feed them to her as if she were pouring water down her throat.
She kept vomiting out her stomach in the upstairs bathroom night after night, and was driven into a half-neurosis state.

One night in the latter half of the training period.
The instructor found her repeatedly vomiting in the upstairs bathroom in the middle of the night.
The instructor gave him a harsh reprimand in a loud voice that could be heard throughout the training center.
He was reprimanded by the instructor in a loud voice that could be heard throughout the training center, and was even told in the end, “A weak-minded person like you is not worth living.
Sitting there in a daze, covered in her own vomit and diarrhea, some of her classmates called out to her out of concern, but she did not respond.

The next morning, one of her classmates went into the second-floor bathroom to do her business.
She hung the string of her yukata over the door of the private room and hanged herself to death.

Six months after we used that training center, the building was demolished.


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