Scary story

#61 Scary story about my sleepwalking brother

My younger brother was a so-called “sleepwalker” who walked around unconsciously during sleep.
His strange behavior peaked when he was in the upper grades of elementary school.
Once every 3 or 4 days, he would wake up in the middle of the night
I turn on the TV, which should have been turned off long ago, and stare absentmindedly at the sand storm.
He would carry his bag on his back, still in his pajamas, and try to open the locked front door knob, only to find that the door was locked and the door was unlocked.
On one occasion, the entire family stopped him.
On another occasion, I opened my eyes to see the presence of someone
On one occasion, my brother tried to strangle me in my sleep and I suddenly opened my eyes and he was so startled that he fell over.

Around that time, a worry came over our family.
It was the approaching fifth grade camp class, an annual event in elementary school.
What if they leave their tents in the middle of the night and wander around without permission?
I shuddered just thinking about it.

Here is what my brother’s classmates later told me.

It happened just as I had expected.
After a lively campfire and ritualistic activities such as the pillow fight were over, we were all in the same place at the same time.
When it was time for bed, the teachers took us back to our respective tents half-way.
Some of the children fell asleep immediately, but many others had a hard time falling asleep.
After what seemed like hours, and long after the teachers had fallen asleep, it happened.
My little brother woke up with a start and walked toward the pile of backpacks.
Then, while rummaging through the pile of backpacks, he shouted
“No, no. It’s not there! Mommy, it’s not here!” He began to make a commotion.
One or two of the children who had been awake looked up and began to look in that direction.
For a while, the bizarre scene was so frightening that no one called out to them.
One of them, gathering his courage, asked, “What’s wrong?” I called out to him.
He turned around and said, “I gotta go!” He picked up his backpack at random and ran outside.
Everyone was so surprised that they stopped him by force.
He kept saying, “I have to go, I have to go,” while looking into the distance.

The next day, my brother had abdominal pain and a fever of nearly 40 degrees Celsius, and he spent two days in a swoon.
Thinking it was just a common cold, my mother took it rather easy and thought, “We can take him to the hospital tomorrow.
That night, however, my brother appeared in my mother’s dream while she was sleeping.
Standing by my mother’s bedside, he said.
He stood by my mother’s bedside and said, “Mother, I resent you.! I resent you.! I’m so resent!”
My mother came to her senses and knew that she had to take him to the hospital immediately, so she ran into his room.
She called out to her brother, who was sleeping on the other side of the room, and turned around to look into his face.
She thought he was asleep, but he remained motionless with his eyes wide open.
He whispered, “I’ll resent you, you son of a bitch.”
I drove him to the emergency room, where he was immediately taken to the operating room.
If he had been delayed even one more hour, he would have lost his life.

After that, various incidents related to my brother occurred.
And for some reason, he’s gone..


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