Scary story

#34 Scary story about a bamboo grove near his school when he was a kid.

A bamboo grove near my school when I was a child.
My friends would go there to test their liver.
But in that bamboo grove, something surprising happened.


It was when I was in elementary school.

There was a bamboo grove by the elementary school I went to, and we were told not to go there because there would be suspicious people.
I didn’t end up going there, but many people around me did.
They all said, “There’s a strange hut where a vagrant lives,” or “There’s a hut and the door won’t open.”
Well, in short, they all said the same thing: “There is an old wooden hut all by itself.”

Somehow the fact that I had been to that shack became a kind of status symbol for “the brave ones.”
I remember that all the bad kids were trying to go there.

Then one day, a guy named “O” and a guy named “U” decided to go together.
Both of them were friends.
Well, everyone who went had already gone, so it was a little late for their to go.
After school, I think. Sorry, my memory is a little fuzzy.
Anyway, I heard that they both went there after school.
They headed for the hut and walked through the deep bamboo forest in search of the hut.
I remember that it was a small bamboo grove from a distance, but it was very dark when they entered it. That was strange.
Then they found the hut as usual.
So they decided to go in there right away.

They opened the wooden door and went inside.
He said he saw a man hanged dead inside.
While he was thinking what to do, suddenly O, who came in after him, started screaming in a loud voice.
“Mother! I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

U ran away in a dash, leaving O who kept yelling.
At that time, I was playing dodgeball or something with the others on the school ground.
Then U came dashing over. From the direction of the bamboo grove that I could see over the ground.
In a very loud voice, he said, “O’s mother is dead!”
I froze at that moment.

I think there was a huge commotion that day, but I don’t remember much.
Anyway, O stopped coming to school that day, and eventually transferred to another school without ever showing up.

This is where the problem started.

It is a common story. People say, “There is a ghost in that hut.”
Since that suicide, the number of people who actually go there has decreased dramatically, and everyone is cackling even though they don’t even go there.
Well, I was one of them….
I was the one who knew things back then, and I knew from something that a hanged corpse would be in a terrible state, so I told everyone about it.Half in fun.
Everyone was up in arms about it again. The spirit of the hanged woman appears.

Then one day, another friend, S, invited me out again.
“If you know so much about spirits, why don’t you go and see one? “I was so excited.
I was too timid to say yes, but he promised to report back to me when he got back.
S is a bad guy among my friends, and I thought he would really go for it.
So a few of guys really went to see the cabin after school.

By the time I got to school the next day, I’d forgotten all about it.
S was so dark that day. The problem child who always makes a lot of noise.
Then I remembered yesterday, too, and asked, “Did you really go?” I asked him, “What are you doing?
Then he said, “Yeah,” and that was it.
S, who normally would have spoken up on his own, was very quiet, so I thought, “Did he really get out?”.
I spent the rest of the day with him, asking him about what had happened at the cabin yesterday.
Now that I think about it, I’m a nasty kid.

However, no matter what I asked, he wouldn’t tell me.
“Did you see something?” to “yes,” but “what did you see?” will not answer the question.
Even if he was bluffing, he would say they saw a ghost of a woman with an amazing face.
I was so excited that I thought S. really saw a ghost.
I kept asking what kind of ghost it was and what it felt like until after school.
Finally, S said, “Don’t tell anyone. And don’t ever go there.”
You can imagine how happy I was.

S. said only one word.
‘I opened the door and there was an O screaming soooooooooooooooooo loud.”

This story is no punchline.
S never told me the story again after that, and I told fewer and fewer scary stories to people just for fun.
The bamboo grove where the hut used to be was destroyed and now a factory that makes brush pens stands there.
No one knows what the O who is doing after that, and…….


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