Scary story

#30 Scary story about a painting of a Oiran (courtesan)

A friend of mine started living alone as a college student.
There was something strange about the room, and day by day my friend’s health was getting worse.
When he asked a monk he met by chance to investigate, he discovered that there was something hidden in the room.
This is a story from when my friend m was a college student.
After being accepted to a university in Nagoya, m is looking for a rooming house in the city where he intends to live alone. But, all the properties with good conditions were already under contract. I was finally able to find one quite far away from the university. It is a very old wooden apartment, and everything is shared, including the kitchen and toilet. The rent is very cheap, so M signed a contract with the landlord. After moving in and actually starting to live in the apartment, he found it to be very quiet and quite comfortable. M became increasingly satisfied with his room.
One evening, girl friend came to M’s room for a visit. We had a few drinks, and suddenly she said, “I’m leaving.” “I want you to hear that I will leave the room and you will feel bad, but there is something creepy about this room,” she told M. She told M that she has always felt a bad vibe in the room while she was drinking alcohol. She said that she could not get drunk at all. She said, “You’d better be careful,” and M laughed it off. M, who does not trust this kind of talk at all, told her to “be careful on your way home,” and sent her off.
But, as it turned out, her words now were nothing more than a distraction, and the room was still strange. Around this time, M began to feel tremendous fatigue in her body. It was not that her part-time job was particularly demanding, but when she returned to her room, she felt so weak that she could not stand up. Also, while sleeping at night, he sometimes felt as if someone was choking him, and he would suddenly jump out of bed. Because of this, M lost his appetite and became emaciated. He went to see a doctor, thinking he must be ill, but the doctor could not find the cause. Concerned, girl friend suggested that M move to a new apartment, saying, “I think the cause is in that room,” but M’s doctor could not find out the cause of the problem. Unfortunately, there was no money to pay for it, and M did not want to take it up.
One night, about two weeks later, M had made a huge mistake at her part-time job and went home late at night, more groggy than ever, and went straight to sleep.
In the middle of the night, he woke up suddenly feeling a tremendous pressure, but he could not even move because his body was in a state of bondage. Suddenly, M looked at the sliding door of the closet above his head. Then, M felt the closed sliding door open a few centimeters by itself…. The next moment, a pure white hand reached out toward M. M cried out in his mind, “Help me,” and the hand slipped back into the gap. he was relieved for a moment. This time, he saw a pure white woman’s face staring at his through the gap in the sliding door. M could not sleep a wink and the morning came.

, his body started to move, and M ran out of the room.
He then called girl friend to a family restaurant near his apartment, and they were both at a loss on what to do.
then, a monk was sitting at a table a short distance away.
The monk had been staring at the two of them for some time.
He approached and yelled at M, “Where did you pick that up?”
When M was surprised and asked the monk about it, The monk told his that he was possessed by a strong thought on his back and that he would be in trouble if he didn’t do something about it.
M told him everything that had happened.
The monk then told him to take himself to the room immediately.

When he entered the room, the monk immediately stopped in front of the closet and did not move from in front of it for a while.
Then, cutting a sign, he began to remove the sliding door and turned one of them over to face the two of them.

At that moment, M. says, he almost lost his back.
The other painting is that of a very vivid oiran (courtesan).
The dancing figure seems to be alive, and she felt as if only her heart was staring at the vivid one.
According to the monk
“I don’t know how it happened, but there is a very strong resentment in this painting,” he said.
“It’s sucking the life out of you, gradually materializing, and it almost took you down… He was so close to being killed….”

The monk put up a ward around the painting of the oiran (courtesan) on the sliding door.
The monk then left, saying, “Get the landlord’s approval right away, and bring the painting to your temple tomorrow.

The next day, he went with her to the temple, where the fusuma were burned with goma and offered as a memorial service.

After that, M’s health improved.


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