Scary story

#24 A scary story about an old woman and a child she met on the road on a trip.

I don’t know if it’s a psychic phenomenon or what, but here’s one bad story I’ve encountered in the past.

A few years ago, when I was still a student.
Before summer, my friend S borrowed a campervan from a relative.
It was a pretty big one, and four or five adults could sleep in it.

It was a big deal among my friends.
Soon after, we started talking about going on a trip somewhere with it, and I invited T, who I was hanging out with a lot at the time, and the three of us, all guys, went on a car trip during our college summer vacation.

It was a random trip with no particular route or destination in mind.
Since we were in a campervan, we didn’t need to stay in a hotel, so we could roam around as much as we wanted.
Even at night, we would drive from place to place at random, and when we got tired, we would park the car somewhere and take a nap. It was quite fun.
If you are so inclined, you can find hot springs and public bathhouses in many places, and from the halfway point on, all I did was drive around the mountains in search of hot springs.

That day, too, we were driving along the mountain roads at night with S driving. It was about 10:00 at night.
It was a lonely road with a series of hairpin turns, far from the town.
I was having a chat with S in the passenger seat and T was sleeping in the back seat.

We were driving along the mountain road in the dark…
Poof, suddenly I saw a father and son in the headlights.

A middle-aged woman in a cardigan and a small boy of about 2 or 3 years old.
I wasn’t going that fast, but it was a mountain road at night.
S swerved in a hurry, and we passed by without any accident.

To be honest, I already knew something was wrong from this point on.
Sure enough, S seemed to be thinking the same thing as I was and started talking to me while driving.

He said, “Isn’t it strange, the father and son just now? Where the hell are you walking to on a mountain road at this time of night?”
“Well, you know, maybe there’s a house nearby?”
No, you don’t. No, you don’t. It’s a mountain pass. The hot springs are just up ahead…”

S was right. We had driven at least 10 kilometers from the town at the foot of the mountain to here, but there were no houses along the way, and our destination, a hot spring facility, was still ahead of us.
I zoomed in on the map on my car navigation system to make sure, but there was really nothing around us but mountains.
I wondered where the lady with the child was going….

S and I drove away in silence, and after a while we arrived at our destination, a hot spring facility.
It was a simple one-day spa with an RV park attached, but there was something strange about the atmosphere.
It was a little late in the day, but there were a lot of people walking around with flashlights, and everyone seemed to be looking for something.

When we pulled into the parking lot, two old men came running toward us.
Apparently, one of the kids was missing.
The 2 year old boy had just gotten out of the spa and was nowhere to be seen when his parents took their eyes off him for a moment.

Me and S had a hunch. It was the kid we had seen earlier.
I told them that we had passed them on the road before we came here, and they got into a fuss.
When I checked the DVR to make sure, I saw the kid and the lady in the video, and the kid’s parents who saw them said, “I don’t know what happened.
“I’m sure it’s my kid! Please, just show me the way there!”
So we loaded the two in our camper and took another car back to the spot we had just passed.
T, who had been sleeping for a long time, woke up there. He didn’t know what was going on at all and was a bit confused, but we didn’t have time to worry about him.

Fortunately, the child was found soon after.
A little further down the road from where we met, by the guardrail, the kid we had just met was crouching by himself.
The child told us that he had been brought here by an unknown lady he met at a hot spring resort.
The lady told the child to wait here and then disappeared.

After that, it was very difficult.
Both parents and the child were crying, the police came and asked us about the situation, and it was treated like a kidnapping case.
Later, I heard from the police that the woman who was caught on the camera was not caught after all.
Not only did they not catch her, but they had no clue as to who she was or where she came from.
So, of course, it remained unclear where she was planning to go with the child.

This is where my imagination takes over.
I think she probably didn’t intend to go anywhere.
She had a small child walking in the middle of the night, and there is no telling how far she could have gone. And the road was in the middle of nowhere in the mountains.
I just brought her there at random, threw her out, and that was the end of it. I don’t care if the child dies or lives.
I think that kind of malicious and abnormal being was in the form of an old lady, and that kind of thing just happened to be mixed in at a supposedly peaceful countryside hot-spring resort.

The face of the auntie was clearly visible on the camera.
She had a big smile on her face.
Seeing her smiling face, I was deeply horrified.


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