Strange story

#23 A story about “Kodoku,” an ancient Japanese art of witchcraft

I guess this was when I was about 10 years old.

I was a bad kid when I was little, if I do say so myself. And although there was nothing to do in the countryside, nature was abundant.
I was the kind of kid who would kill frogs by slamming them against trees, or kill ants by pouring hot water from a kettle into their nests.
There were plenty of living things around, and I don’t know what it was, but at that time I enjoyed killing such living things.

But now, I can’t even look at bugs anymore, let alone touch them.
It was “Kodoku” that made me do so.

I’m sure many people know what an “inhuman poison” is, since it’s often used in manga and other forms of entertainment.
The idea is to gather many insects, snakes, and other such creatures in one place, lock them up, kill them all, and then use the strongest survivor to curse the hated one to death.
That’s what I did.

I saw it on TV or something, and I didn’t have anyone I wanted to curse or anything.
When animals fight each other, the strongest one remains in the end. Like that.
It was just a light-hearted idea, but I actually tried my hand at making an inhuman poison.

It was summer vacation and I had a lot of free time, so I just threw everything I saw into the plastic cage.
Just the ones I remember: grasshoppers, praying mantis, ants, spiders, drone beetle , stag beetles, crickets, frogs, lizards…. For some reason, I also included grass and cicada shells.
I heard they were supposed to collect poisonous creatures, but, well, that’s what kids do, so that’s what we did.

After about half a day of hard work, the inside of the cage was in a bad shape.
Various things had already piled up, and the creatures were wriggling around, causing a huge traffic jam.
Wow! I was so grossed out that I could not look directly at it, but I dug a hole lightly in the garden and buried the whole case in the soil.
I was satisfied when I buried the insect cage, and forgot about it for a while. By the time I remembered, it was the end of summer vacation.

During the day, I dug up the cage I had buried in the garden. When I dug it up, I was a little scared.
I was sure that the basket would be full of dead insects.
However, when I dug up the cage, I found that it was different from what I had expected. It was just a pool of something like that.
It had rained while I left it there, and I guess the lid was too loose. With this in mind, I opened the lid of the cage and found….
There they were…survivors.

I don’t know what it was, but it was moving really fast.
I jumped, but I didn’t know what it was, and when I felt it stick to my arm, I felt a sharp pain. Maybe it bit me? I think it was.
The guy immediately pulled away from my arm and went away, but the bite was so painful, it felt like I had been stabbed with a needle and the pain was intense and would not go away.
The pain was so intense that it felt like I had been stabbed with a needle.
I was surprised to find some gross remains of insect wings, frog-like bones, and other things I couldn’t understand in the muddy water I splashed on the ground, but that wasn’t the point.

I thought the bite site was red, but it swelled right up. It was also very swollen.
While I was looking at it, my arm swelled up to the size of a golf ball.
I had been stung by a bee before, but it was nothing like that. I flew into the house crying and told my grandpa, “I’ve been bitten by a bug! I cried and cried.

Then all hell broke loose.
They took me to the hospital by car and then to a bigger hospital.
The doctor asked me what had stung me, and when I told him I had “Kodoku,” he gave me an incredibly weird look.
After that, I had a high fever and became unconscious, and for the first couple of days, I seriously almost died.
I ended up in the hospital for almost a month.

After I was discharged from the hospital, my parents and granddad scolded me to death and made me promise never to do anything like this again.
But I didn’t need that promise anymore, because I was the one who was the most scared.
While I was in the hospital, I had a lot of dreams about being killed by insects. I became not only traumatized but also completely phobic of insects, and since I was so afraid of insects, we moved to the city from junior high school.

Just to let you know, you should never imitate me.
If you do it seriously, you will probably die.


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