Strange story

#154 How to time leap.

Time Leap experiencer who appeared on 2channel (a large Japanese bulletin board) in 2012. The statements in red are from the person who experienced the time leap.

1: [Anonymous]: It’s not something I can always do, but I’ve succeeded three times so far. I don’t know if others can do it, but I’ll teach you.

3: [Anonymous]: I want to go back to when I was a sperm and give it to someone else.

5: [Anonymous]: Please explain without using a cell phone.

8: [Anonymous]:[To user 3] It’s impossible to do that, but the time leap I’ve been attempting seems to have a range that extends to my own consciousness and memories up until a certain time. I can’t explicitly choose the exact time to leap, and each time, the world is probably subtly different, so I don’t know what will happen when I leap.

17: [Anonymous]: [To user 5] I don’t need any tools. The dreamscape is what I use for my time leaps, especially when the dreams are vivid and I can feel them deeply. I think everyone occasionally experiences dreams like that, where they realize it’s a dream upon waking up but don’t notice it at all when asleep. I utilize those kinds of dreams.

24: [Anonymous]: The first time I time leaped was when I was 21. I was a NEET at the time and had no friends, so it was pretty rough. Every day, I would think about things like, “What if I had worked harder back then?” or “The past was better.” I would often wonder what I was doing before going to sleep. Recently, I’ve come to understand that these thoughts are quite important. Before going to sleep, I think broadly about the time I want to leap to. By doing that, the chances of attempting a time leap in a dream increase significantly.

27: [Anonymous]: Well, by repeating that every day, there are rare occasions where I reach a dream that is so vivid it feels like it might be reality. I still don’t know why that happens, and it might just be a coincidence or something that happens even when you’re sleeping normally. Any dream is fine since it’s just a dream, and whatever time I want to return to from the past is fine. The dream I saw when I first time leaped was a dream from my middle school days.

29: [Anonymous]: What do you mean? Does it have to be a dream from the past?

34: [Anonymous]: Oh? So does that mean you came to this world?

36: [Anonymous]: [To user 29] It’s like moving through time or the world by projecting the past in a dream. As for the future, whether it’s due to a lack of imagination or other reasons, I don’t know, but it’s impossible. [To user 34] That’s about right.

Continued: When you have dreams, you often don’t initially realize that it’s a dream. Dreams tend to abruptly end or fade away when you realize they’re dreams, so you have to pay attention to that. The important thing is to focus on the dream. In my case, it was playing soccer with friends, so it was easy to concentrate.

38: [Anonymous]: Has reality changed?

41: [Anonymous]: So I continue to concentrate on the dream. This is something I have to remind myself and train for every night before going to sleep. It’s important to avoid thinking that it’s a dream or things like that in everyday life. Gradually, the way I perceive dreams changes. At first, it feels like I’m vaguely observing myself in the dream, but then my consciousness starts to enter the version of myself in the dream. As this continues, my awareness becomes even clearer, and I start to feel the sensation of a ball hitting my leg or the movement of my own body

43: [Anonymous]: [To user 38] Although it’s uncertain whether this is reality or not, there’s little resistance to anything, and many things are different.

At this point, the world switches quickly. From there, it’s crucial to focus on your actions and establish a connection between your body and consciousness. Of course, you need to concentrate hard, but when you’re dreaming, you shouldn’t think about going back to the past or anything like that. The moment you start thinking about it, the dream loses its intensity. If you genuinely want to return to that time, you should naturally be able to concentrate on what happens there without thinking too deeply about it.

44: [Anonymous]: [To user 43] Only your memories change?

45: [Anonymous]: Even though you say “focus,” it’s still subconscious.

46: [Anonymous]: [To user 46] Memories are inherited from before the time leap. I remember things from before the time leap, and I never forget them no matter how many times I do it. Consciousness enters the world of the past in the dream, but the world is subtly different each time.

As you continue to concentrate, the surrounding scenery gradually becomes clearer. It can be familiar landscapes, the neighborhood where you live, or your town that you remember, gradually being reproduced. However, it’s not exactly the same as the world before going to sleep; it’s a different world that seems to be recreated based on my memories. In places where my memory is vague, it is randomly supplemented, and sometimes even the shape of the country changes when it’s severe.

47: [Anonymous]: [To user 47] Are you okay?

56: [Anonymous]: [To user 45] That’s why I can’t do it whenever I want to.

After that, things are reproduced one after another, starting from the closest ones. First, the grassland where I played soccer changes into my junior high school. Other things keep increasing, and eventually, people are also reproduced. While unconsciously concentrating, these things are gradually reproduced, so it feels as if they have always been there from the beginning. Then, a strange feeling overwhelms me. What am I doing? Where am I? But when I look around, I have the same consciousness and world as when I was awake. At this point, it’s already the end. I can’t return to the world before going to sleep. Instead, it feels as if the world I was in was just a dream.

59: [Anonymous]: Even if you think it’s a dream, you can’t go back anymore. Your consciousness becomes too entrenched in the physical body of the dream world, and you can’t escape from there. I’ve tried various things, but it’s useless. Even if I want to return to the original world, like anime or something, I can’t. This time leap is a one-way trip, and there is no way to return to the original world. Places where memories and recollections are clear are precisely there, like the path to my home and my actual home. From there, I just have to return, sleep, and when I wake up, it’s all over. From the next day onwards, I have no choice but to live in that world.

61 :[Anonymous]: How many years ago did you time leap?

62 : [Anonymous]: Maybe something like “Psycho Dive” or in that realm.

63: [Anonymous]: This world we are in right now might also be inside >>1’s dream.

65: [Anonymous]: [To user 61]I leaped from 21 to 13, then from 15 to 11, and the last one was from 24 to 19. The first time was by chance, but the second and third times I jumped somewhat intentionally.

[To user 62] I don’t really understand it either.

[To user 63] I don’t even know what’s what anymore. When I think about whether I’ll also leap when I die, I’m not even afraid of dying.

An important thing to note is that my memories are reflected in the new world, so each world is subtly different every time. Even classmates and the cityscape are different every time. Sometimes strangers suddenly come up to me and surprise me. It’s as if I have amnesia, and the longer I go back in time, the stranger the world becomes.

66:[Anonymous]: How old are you now? How many years ago was the last time you did it?

68:[Anonymous]: >>66 I’m 20 now, and the last time I did it was about a year ago. I’ve been repeating enjoyable times without any hardships until now. But from now on, I want to live a normal life, although there’s a possibility that due to the training, I might naturally slip into dreams and return again. Nowadays, I have many regrets.

69:[Anonymous]: 69 Did you get a girlfriend?

71:[Anonymous]: Stop it. It’s scary to think about going to sleep.

72:[Anonymous]: [To user 69] I have my memories, and although it takes time, I can return no matter what strange things I do. So I can be proactive with women, and I’ve had a few relationships. But whether it’s trying to get a girlfriend, getting married, or having children, if I unconsciously time leap, it’s as if none of it ever happened, so it’s been scary lately.

73:[Anonymous]: In the restarted world, the economy, lottery numbers, and people who hit the jackpot would be the same, right? Or is it parallel?

74:[Anonymous]: [To user 71] Before I leap, let’s say I desperately memorize the lottery numbers. In that case, there’s a possibility that the lottery itself would occur in the leaped world. However, since I can’t choose how far back to go or how long to leap, it’s quite difficult. Besides, I don’t think the lottery would definitely occur, and since the world changes significantly based on my memories, it becomes challenging.

75:[Anonymous]: [To user 73] Let’s say I desperately memorize the lottery numbers before leaping. In that case, there’s a possibility that the lottery itself would occur in the leaped world. However, since I can’t choose how far back to go or the specific time to travel, it’s quite challenging. Moreover, I don’t think the lottery would definitely occur, and it becomes difficult because the world changes significantly based on my memories.

76:[Anonymous]: What do you think about all of this?

77:[Anonymous]: Things like stocks would also fluctuate. I think that’s certain. For example, if I buy shares of Yahoo or Livedoor, would that change as well? When it changes to this extent, it doesn’t feel like going back to the past anymore.

78:[Anonymous]: If you were to go back to your middle school self, does that mean you have to go through all the middle school and high school classes you’ve already taken again? That would be tough.

79:[Anonymous]: If even the shape of the country changes, the history would also be altered, wouldn’t it?

83:[Anonymous]: [To user 76] I’m already halfway resigned to it. If I’m lucky, I can die without experiencing another time leap, but it’s probably impossible. Well, I’m still alive, and for now, I’m enjoying myself in Thailand.

[To user 77] Even companies are different. Unknown companies become the leaders in their industries. And there are times when things I despise don’t exist.

[To user 78] Because I have my memories, well, at the beginning, it’s fun to start over like in a new game.

[To user 79] I think if I don’t know the history, there could be significant changes, but since I don’t know it in the first place, there’s no way to confirm.

84:[Anonymous]: For now, if I could go back in time, I’d go all-in on buying Yahoo with all my assets. Next would be Edge Corporation. With just these two, I could live a life of luxury and leisure forever.

85:[Anonymous]: He’s a funny guy, sometimes with weird Japanese, lol.

86:[Anonymous]: Can’t you do anything other than >>1?

87:[Anonymous]: So, are you really around 40 years old?

88:[Anonymous]: [To user 84] It would be nice if I could, but I’m still a child, so that option is impossible for me. Moreover, the world changes significantly with my memories, so it’s difficult.

90:[Anonymous]: Not a prank, right?

91:[Anonymous]: [To user 85] Sorry, that’s just my lack of education.

[To user 86] I wonder. If someone else tries it, they’ll end up in a different world, so I can’t confirm.

[To user 87] I haven’t matured internally, though.

92:[Anonymous]: Awesome. How far did you go?

94:[Anonymous]: What about earthquakes?

95:[Anonymous]: If you thoroughly research and go back in time with respect to Horiemon, wouldn’t there be a chance to become wealthy without any measures?

96:[Anonymous]: [To user 90] If my mind is not messed up, it’s serious.

[To user 92] 24. This time, I plan to go as far as I can without using my own will.

[To user 94]It’s slightly different each time. The recent earthquake hadn’t occurred in the previous world yet. Also, everything is different, like the administration. The only thing that remains the same is my neighborhood, at best.

97:[Anonymous]: In essence, you’re just getting younger, right?

It’s an attractive proposition if you’re around 50 years old, but for someone in their 20s or 30s, going back would be troublesome, lol.

99:[Anonymous]: Can’t become rich.

Many things have changed.

What I experienced was just an experience, and it doesn’t necessarily turn out the same way.

What a bothersome rule, lol.

100:[Anonymous]: Do you have any evidence?

101:[Anonymous]: Even if you can go back, wouldn’t you end up repeating the same things?

102:[Anonymous]: [To user 95] Let’s say you successfully acquire wealth. But if you unconsciously experience a time leap, everything would be in vain. With each time leap, the world you originally lived in changes more and more, which is frightening. Certainly, it’s fun to relive childhood and do as you please, but even with just three world shifts, there have been significant changes. If I continue like this, I’m afraid my family and the town where I was born and raised will disappear, and I’m extremely anxious about it.

105:[Anonymous]:[To user 97] Since you rejuvenate while retaining your memories, there are advantageous aspects to it. I think you’re probably like me, Ashidamana.

[To user 99] If you wait until you’re a bit older, the situation might change.

[To user 100] The worlds are different, so there’s no way to prove it.

[To user 101] No, since your memories remain intact and your actions are free, you can do various things. If you reach around the age of 50 and then time leap, there might be more benefits in various aspects. However, the more years you go back, the more the world gets altered, so it’s hard to say.

106:[Anonymous]: If a 50-year-old person could go back to the bubble era, that would be attractive, but looping through student life multiple times is exhausting.

107:[Anonymous]: User ID: Bn+2YfvP0 Do you realize that you’re inside a dream? Do you realize that all the posts here are a product of your consciousness? Hurry up and come back.

108:[Anonymous]: In that case, is >>1 in this thread from a different world?

109:[Anonymous]: [To user 105] If your dad, mom, hometown, and even your country were all different, it would be dangerous. First, start with studying the language.

110:[Anonymous]: [To user 104] No, you’re the caterpillar human, lol.

112:[Anonymous]: [To user 106] If the memories are not vivid and close, the alterations can be dangerous. When I went back to elementary school, it was really tough.

[To user 107] I’m tired already.

[To user 108] Yeah, either that or I’m just insane.

[To user 109]When there are significant changes, it’s truly distressing. I don’t have the courage to lose even my family.

113:[Anonymous]: It’s like time leaps and movement to parallel worlds, huh… In terms of logic, time leaps can’t happen within the same worldline, it seems. If this is true, it’s amazing.

115:[Anonymous]: I want to hear about the world that >>1 originally came from. Was it still Japan in the first place? What are the major changes?

116:[Anonymous]: It would be better if you don’t leap anymore. Your leaps are too dangerous, seriously.

118:[Anonymous]: [To user 110] I think it’s possible to change oneself to some extent. It might be difficult with things like facial features that you’re used to seeing every day, but for things like weight and height, I think it can be managed with an imagined image during the dream stage. However, I don’t think extreme changes can be achieved through imagination alone. If the world itself undergoes significant changes, you might turn into a giant or a fairy or something. Well, I’m just an amateur who has only done it three times, so I can’t say for sure.

123:[Anonymous]: [To user 113] I think that interpretation is fine.

[To user 115] Japan doesn’t change much fundamentally, but the Prime Minister and such are completely different. Earthquakes and other events are also different, and there was no talk of Japan being destroyed in 2012.

[To user 116] I don’t want to, but there is a possibility of unconscious leaps happening in the dream world.

126:[Anonymous]: What about companies and famous people? I’m curious if there are any tools or gadgets that don’t exist in this world.

127:[Anonymous]:  Can you tell us in detail about the world when you were 24, the one you stayed in until 2016?

128:[Anonymous]: [To user 116] For the most part, the companies and famous people I remembered remain the same. I wouldn’t notice or know about unknown famous people who might have been altered. As for companies, in my world, Japan wasn’t doing as well as it is here. It seems like there’s a gradual shift towards a world where Japan is prospering due to an unconscious sense of patriotism. As for tools and gadgets, this world is more advanced than the one I originally came from. It was more like the Showa era in my world.

130:[Anonymous]: How were entertainment and things like games and manga different?

132:[Anonymous]: Can you write it down in a detailed list? I want to give it a try, as it’s worth a shot. By the way, I was planning to commit suicide sometime this week.

134:[Anonymous]: Sorry if I got it wrong. Since you’re currently 20, you were born in 1992 or 1993, and you stayed in the first world until the age of 21, so that would be until 2013, right? Now, about the next world… I’m starting to get confused, so could I also ask for a list from you? I’m curious about the timeline of the world before you were there.

136:[Anonymous]: Why are you worried about unconscious time leaps happening? If it doesn’t happen without the person’s intention, then it won’t occur, right? Also, with that method, I think you could also travel to the future or parallel worlds. For example, worlds where your gender is different or worlds where you don’t need to work.

137:[Anonymous]:[To user 127] At first, I was 21, but the world during that time was completely different from now. Japan wasn’t developed much. It’s more peaceful than this world, but we can’t afford things from outside because they’re expensive. It’s like we’re on the sidelines while America, or rather the Allied forces, are fighting.

[To user 130] Anime and manga exist, but there are fewer compared to this world. When it comes to entertainment, it’s difficult to explain, but there were often races with citizens participating in cars and motorcycles. Festivals were abundant, like the worlds depicted in anime in this world.

141:[Anonymous]: Are there any countries in this world that don’t exist or are completely different from what we have? Was there a World War?

143:[Anonymous]: Oh? What happens to the original body before the time leap? Does it become an empty shell?

144:[Anonymous]: In that case, does it mean that Japan in that world had an economy similar to present-day South Korea…? Even now, compared to the bubble era, I don’t feel a sense of prosperity due to the economic recession. It’s true that the yen has appreciated, so foreign products can be relatively cheaper to buy. Does it mean that the first world was a world without an economic bubble?

146:[Anonymous]:[To user 132] It’s exactly as I wrote from the beginning.

  1. Think about the past you want to return to and live your days with that in mind, especially before going to sleep.
  2. Have deep dreams where fragments of the past appear and wait for those dreams to happen.
  3. Concentrate on the events in the dream and pour your consciousness into the dream version of yourself.
  4. Take over the dream version of yourself and finish.

[To user 134] Born in 1992 and living until 2013, then the first time leap.

At 13 years old, in 2005, I start living there.

At 15 years old, in 2007, I perform the time leap experiment and go back to 2003.

At 11 years old, in 2003, I start living in the third world.

At 24 years old, in 2016, I perform another time leap.

At 19 years old, in 2011, I start living in the fourth world.

That’s the general idea.

[To user 136] I trained consciously and spent time practicing to make it difficult for the time leap to occur while dreaming. As a result, time leaps became easier, but there is a possibility of unexpected time leaps occurring when encountering deep dreams that happen by chance.

150:[Anonymous]: So, after living for that long, how do you perceive the world?

151:[Anonymous]: If that’s the case, you should train to prevent unintended leaps from happening next time. I also developed dry orgasms, but I can’t control them completely.

152:[Anonymous]: Thank you for explaining in detail. It means that there was no earthquake on March 11 in the initial world and the third world, but was the disaster already occurring when you arrived in the current world? Or did the disaster happen after you came to this world?

154:[Anonymous]:[To user 140] I can’t say for sure. Even I lived a normal life for 21 years before experiencing the first time leap. There weren’t any noticeable changes, and I didn’t encounter someone like me. Even if someone were to use someone else for an experiment, there’s a possibility that changes would occur in the world where I exist when that person travels to a different world, so it’s not possible. I can’t confirm if someone other than me can time leap. I believe anyone can do it, but I can’t say for sure yet.

[To user 141]There was a war. It’s common knowledge, so even if you move to a different world, I think it’s impossible to alter the unconscious memories. Japan was still in the Showa era, closed off from the world, America was strong, and Korea was calm.

[To user 143] I don`t know.

156:[Anonymous]: What are some rare or interesting things you’ve noticed in this world?

158:[Anonymous]:[To user 144] Well, it was peaceful, and there wasn’t much inequality or foolish politicians. There aren’t many tall buildings like in this world; it’s more like the Showa era or the end of the Edo period, a bit chaotic.

[To user 147] I don’t consult with others around me because I’m afraid they’ll think I’m crazy

[To user 150] The worlds are connected, but not side by side. They are interconnected in all directions, regardless of time. Even death is not scary because when you die, you’ll just jump to a different world and repeat it all over again. Right now, I’m more interested in finding a way to break free from the connections of this world.

161:[Anonymous]: [To user 151]I intend to do that. It’s difficult, but right now I have no choice but to find a way.

[To user 152] It took a while after I arrived, probably around late January.

[To user 156] First, anime. I never expected my country to undergo such strange changes. And then there’s the internet. I knew it existed, but it’s truly a miracle that it’s so accessible in Japan. As for women, I have to say the women in my original world were more refined, and I preferred that.

162:[Anonymous]: I want to ask the original poster. I’m trying to understand the concept of parallel worlds. Does this make sense to you? The world is like a video game. Every possibility—whether Mario jumps or crouches, defeats a Goomba, or collides and loses a life—has already been programmed. At this moment, all choices exist as possibilities, and we can freely choose the program. We can choose whether to jump on top of a pipe or in front of it.

164:[Anonymous]:[To user 162] Based on my experience of moving to different worlds, I believe the world is even more free. I genuinely think I have taken different actions in each world. However, people I knew who died in my initial world always end up dying. Death seems to be the only thing predetermined.

165:[Anonymous]: So, regarding the earthquake, it means that the past before the time leap didn’t change. However, in terms of the continuation of the Showa era, it’s different from the previous world. In the previous world, does it mean that Emperor Showa lived until around 100 years old? In the current world, when you were born in 1992, it was already Heisei era.

166:[Anonymous]: In my opinion, if you wish, you can bring that person back to life. The method would be to go to the world where that person is alive. According to someone named Bashar, you can move between parallel worlds by adjusting your frequency (the energy you emit towards the world). That’s how extraterrestrials warp space.

167:[Anonymous]:[To user 165] Sorry, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. Even though the atmosphere feels like the Showa era, technically it’s still the Heisei era.

168:[Anonymous]:[To user 166] In my pseudo time leap, it’s all based on the image and memories when I dream. I can’t easily forget or erase the death of someone I know. It might be possible to bring someone back to life, but I think it would be difficult for me to create a world where that person continues to live.

169:[Anonymous]: Will I be constantly traveling between parallel worlds? It sounds like a topic for a light novel. It’s an idea that has been around since ancient times, starting from Zhuangzi’s philosophy. But in that dream-like time leap, it might be possible to imagine oneself dying of old age and just passing away.

Lately, there are a lot of threads about different worlds, right? Like the one with the laughing doctor.

170:[Anonymous]: [To user 169] I’m not sure about that. It’s quite difficult to imagine oneself dying while dreaming.

Well, that’s about it for what I wanted to talk about. Take care of your own worlds, everyone.


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