A real incident

#121 Horrific cannibalism on board a ship in distress.

■The Mummy Ship Found
On October 31, 1927, Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada.
On its way back to the port of Seattle, Washington, the American cargo ship Margaret Dollar
The small fishing boat Ryoei Maru, which had gone missing, was found.
The ship’s hull was in ruins, mummies were lying on the deck, the smell of death was strong, and the bodies were skeletal and legless.
In the cabin, there was a skeleton with a crushed skull and a mummy.
In the back of the cabin, there was a large smear of blood.
In the aft galley, white seabird feathers were scattered everywhere.
An oil can on the stove contained a human arm.
There was no food or drinking water on board, and the engine engines were all damaged.
However, three notebooks found in the captain’s cabin described the unbelievable devastation.
According to the notebooks, information about the Ryoei Maru was as follows.

Weighs 19 tons and has one mast
The owner is Sanshiro Fujii of Wakayama Prefecture
Captain is Tokizo Miki
Chief engineer is Denjiro Hosoi
Crew: 12 persons
Departed from Misaki Port in Kanagawa Prefecture on December 5, 1926
They were adrift for about a year.
A question arises here.
There were 9 bodies found, and the record says there were 12.
What happened to three of them?

■Unfortunate Fishing Boat
On December 5, 1926, the Ryoei Maru departed Misaki Port in Kanagawa Prefecture and proceeded to Choshi Offshore in Chiba Prefecture in search of tuna. The weather was not favorable, and the engine failed.
The weather was not favorable and the engine was making an unwell exhaust noise, so on the following day, December 6, the vessel called at Choshi Port.
However, the engine did not break down, and they landed a large quantity of tuna off the coast of Choshi.
However, the ship was hit by a storm and was unable to sail.
Then, on December 15, when the vessel was swept about 1,000 miles offshore east of Choshi
A ship similar to the Kishu ship appeared, and despite signals and shouts from the crew, it passed by without response.
Captain Miki decided to go adrift, and the record stated that he would be able to eat for four months.
On December 16, another ship marked “Toyo Kisen” passed nearby, but there was no response.
Efforts were made to somehow return to Japan, but no matter how they tried, they were swept away in the opposite direction.
The record states, “No matter how we tried, we could not get the ship to the northwest.
The record states, “No matter how we tried, no ship ran to the northwest, and we were in despair. All we could do was wait for a steamer.
In the end, they decided to drift to the United States. With the wind in our sails, we sailed northeast.
But you should know that it is more difficult to reach America by fishing boat than it was for Columbus to discover the American continent.

A Record of Terror
From this point on, no explanation is necessary.
The record itself is powerful enough to convey the power of the event.

December 27. Ten skipjack tuna.

January 27. Foreign vessels were found. No response. When it rained, they stored the rainwater in the cage and used it as drinking water.

February 17th. Finally, there is not much food.

March 6. Not a single fish was caught. We ran out of food. The dreadful hunger and the Grim Reaper came gradually.

March 7. the first casualty occurred. Denjiro Hosoi, the chief engineer.
Denjiro Hosoi, the chief engineer, died with a groan, saying, “I want to see for myself… I want to step on Japanese soil.” We will all be buried at sea.

On March 9. a large shark was caught, but Naoe Tsuneji died emaciated and emaciated, without the strength to eat. He was buried at sea.

March 15. Sutetsugu Izawa, who had been keeping the ship’s log until then, dies of illness. Matsumoto Gennosuke takes over the writing.
It was barely enough to bury Izawa’s body at the water’s edge.
All of them had pale faces and beards like porcupines, and they walked unsteadily, looking like ghosts.

March 27. On March 27, Hatsuzo Terada and Ryonosuke Yokota both suddenly uttered a loud cry and said, “Hey, it’s Mt.
Fuji. Fuji. He’s in America. “Oh, I can see the rainbow…” and other such madness.
He grits his teeth against the port plank and dies in agony. The bottom of hell is near.

March 29. Torakichi Mitani suddenly became furious when he saw Fujikichi Yoshida hooking a bigeye bee.
Torakichi Mitani suddenly turned on him, raised his machete, and smashed Fujikichi Yoshida’s head with it.
The people were stunned by this horrifying sight, not having the strength to stand up.
The victims were suffering from scurvy due to lack of vegetables, and blood was pouring from their teeth.
They all looked like monsters in disarray. Oh, Lord Buddha!

 April 4th. April 4. Captain Miki grabs a large bird that flies low over the deck and grabs it as fast as a snake.

Everyone swarms around like man-eating ants, plucking wings and devouring the bird alive.
There is nothing more delicious than eating raw meat that is dripping with blood.

April 6. Ryoji Tsujikado vomited blood and died.

April 14. Kanjuro Sawayama, in cabin, unexpectedly goes berserk, goes insane, and cuts up the corpse…is it hell?
He can still survive because he have the energy to eat human flesh.

April 19. Kazuo Tomiyama and Kanjuro Sawamura fought over human flesh in the cooking room.
They became the demons of hell, but their only desire was to return to Japan alive.
On the same night, both men fell to their deaths in a pool of their own blood.

 May 6. Captain Miki finally cannot take a single step. Of the twelve crew members, only the captain and I, the diary recorder, remain.

Both of us have a severe case of “beriberi” and cannot move to urinate or defecate, so we have no choice but to just let it go.

May 11. Cloudy, The wind was blowing slightly strong from the northwest. The ship just floated along with the wind.
No mountains in sight, no land in sight. No sign of the ship.
I want to die licking one sweet sugar grain.
My friend’s carcass, its flesh rotting in a sludge, its only smell the stench of dead flesh and blood that has melted away.
I look at the white bones, and I see the end of the world…”

The diary ends here.
However, Captain Miki left the following suicide note to his family in pencil on a cedar board.

Listen to what your father says.
“If you grow up, do not become a fisherman.

Please don’t let them become fishermen.

Sorry I can’t go home. Please forgive me…”

 ■ Strange Facts

However, as we examined the records, a strange fact emerged.
Although the Kichiei Maru encountered other vessels dozens of times, not a single vessel responded to its rescue.
The Kichiei Maru failed to find even a single island on its way across the Pacific.
However, as Captain Richard Healy of the American freighter West Ison noted

On December 23, 1926, about 1,000 kilometers from Seattle “On December 23, 1926, about 1,000 kilometers from Seattle in the Pacific Ocean, we found a wooden ship adrift in the waves, but we could not approach it.
I sent a rescue signal but received no reply, so I approached.
However, none of the 10 or so sailors who were standing in the windows or on the deck of the Kichiei Maru and looking at us responded.
I felt like an idiot and pulled up.

But there is no mention of this in the Kichiei Maru’s records.
What in the world was happening to them?


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