Scary story

#94 Stalker

I don’t like to recall it too much, but I would like to write about my experience.
Please note that this is not a story about ghosts or psychic experiences.
This is a long story, but please bear with me.

Four years ago, when I (let’s call myself Yoko) was working for a company.
I met a man (let’s call him Ono) who had come to repair the outside wall of the company.
He was 17 years older than me, but he looked younger than me. I thought he was about 27 or 8.

The reason I started talking to Ono was that my senior fell in love at first sight with a friend of Ono’s (who was also a restoration worker) and we became friends.
Then, I heard that Ono liked me very much, and he invited me out for drinks a few times.
I was too old to be Ono’s type, so he was not my target for romance at all.
But I was told by my senpai, “Ono is always in a bad mood because Yoko doesn’t come, and the atmosphere at the drinking parties is always bad.
I know you don’t like it, but please come, even if it’s just a little bit.
I couldn’t say no (at first I made up all kinds of excuses to refuse).
I thought it would be okay if it was just once, so I joined the drinking party.
When I talked to Ono, I found that he was a kind and friendly guy who seemed to be trusted by the people around him.

At first, we were all having a good time talking about trivial things, but as the drinks went down, Ono kept coming and coming.
“Yoko-chan, don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“Where does Yoko-chan usually hang out?”
“What do you like to drink?”
“How many guys have you been with?”
“Yoko-chan, Yoko-chan, Yoko-chan, Yoko-chan, Yoko-chan, Yoko-chan, Yoko-chan …………”
I was tired of it all and answered “Oh, …… well, I guess so…” without any motivation, and ran away to drink.

After a while, my senior fell asleep drunk and I took a chance!
I made an excuse to take care of my senior and left the drinking party.
Nothing special happened that day.
The next day, I had a day off from work and was relaxing at home when I received a text message on my cell phone.

“This is Ono.
I asked her, Was 00-chan (senior’s name) all right yesterday? She seemed to have had a lot to drink.”

For a moment, I couldn’t understand why.
I had no recollection of exchanging e-mail addresses with Ono yesterday.
Even though I had been drinking, I am a very strong drinker, so I never forget.

When I asked Ono how he knew my e-mail address, he said, “Oh, sorry, sorry.
I’m sorry, but while Yoko was in the bathroom yesterday, everyone around me was saying, “Let’s get the e-mail address while we still can! I was just going through the motions. I got into the mood and did it, too.

That’s right. Ono had taken the liberty of texting me from my cell phone to his own cell phone while I was away, and even made a phone call to me.
At first, I protested, somewhat peeved, as to why he would do such a thing, but
He apologized so many times that I forgave him at that time, thinking that we would just be e-mail friends.

One day, out of the blue, he sent me a text message saying that he wanted to meet me after work to talk about something.
(At that time, I had already finished the restoration work, so I never met Ono.)
I wondered what it was about and waited for him as I left the office, and Ono soon arrived.
But when I saw him, I was astonished.
Ono was dressed in a pure white suit and carrying a small bouquet, just like a bride would carry at a wedding.
When I was stunned,
He said, “I want you to go out with me on the premise of marriage.”

I was dumbfounded, thinking, “What is this guy talking about when we haven’t even met or talked properly since that drinking session?
I politely declined and left Ono there and ran home.
However, that night, Ono started acting strangely.

ONO “I’m sorry about earlier. You were surprised by my suddenness, weren’t you? I’m not mad at all.”
ONO “Yoko, why don’t you answer me?”
ONO “I’m pretty short-tempered…(^_^;) You didn’t reply to my earlier message? How long are you going to keep on doing that?”
I “Sorry, I won’t send you any more persistent e-mails.”
ONO “Please! Just pick up the phone!”
ONO “Yoko, I’m sorry, Yoko, I’m sorry.”
Dozens and dozens of e-mails with contents like this arrived until morning!
“I’m sorry, Yoko-chan, I’m sorry, Yoko-chan, I’m sorry.”
Some of them were even attached with hidden photos of me taken at a drinking party.
I was beyond angry and scared.
(I really wanted to tell him strongly, but Ono knew my company, so I thought it would be bad if I provoked him and he came to my office.)
I hurriedly rejected Ono’s e-mail address and number,and deleted them.
The last e-mail I received from Ono said
“Yoko-chan, have you ever wanted to die?”
“I wouldn’t mind dying if it was with Yoko-chan.”
To be honest, I was horrified.

But Ono’s persistence did not end there.
One day, about half a month after the last e-mail, I was watching TV at home when I received an e-mail on my cell phone from an address I had not registered.

“I’m at a convenience store in 00 town. You’re off work today, right? Let’s go somewhere and have fun! (^O^)/”
It was a text message from Ono.
Ono was not more than a few hundred meters away from my house.
How on earth did he do that? How did he find out?
I froze for a while in surprise and fear.

Anyway, I grabbed my cell phone, hurriedly changed my e-mail address, and without stepping out of my house, “I prayed that they would never find this house!” .
Looking back, I could have asked my friends to come over or called my parents, but I was so scared that I didn’t know what to do.
Fortunately, Ono did not come to my house, but the biggest fear was waiting for me at the end.

I had changed my e-mail address and had not heard from Ono since then, so I had almost forgotten about him.
Sometimes I talk with my senpai.
“Really, that guy is too bad. I didn’t think he was that kind of guy.”
(My senior said he was really sorry for bringing Ono and me together.)
One day, when I was taking a break with my senior, he looked at his cell phone and suddenly became very upset.

“What’s wrong, senpai?”
“I’ve been getting silent calls from an unknown number since this morning.”
“I’ve blocked the calls, but they keep coming back with different numbers…. I don’t know what’s going on here.”
“Do you want me to take your place?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry.”
I pressed the call button on my senior’s cell phone and picked up the phone.
As I expected, the person on the other end of the line was silent the whole time.
I said, “Hello? Hello!”
I got angry and yelled at the caller, “You’re being so rude to me! Identify yourself!”
“You finally picked up, Yoko. How are you, ……………?”
It was Ono’s voice.

I unintentionally threw my senior’s cell phone, and I couldn’t stop shaking.
After that, senpai and I changed our cell phones together that day, half crying.
I asked Ono’s friend to persuade him not to get involved with me any more.
After that, I never heard from Ono again.
I was not very fond of men from the beginning, but I became even more distrustful of men, and the stress caused me to lose a lot of hair.
Thank you to those who have read this far.


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