Scary story

#86 Strange stone

I don’t think I’m psychic or anything like that, but I’m writing about a real experience.
Or rather, I’m talking about me and my friend.
I think my friend was more like a psychic.
I am not sure if it is scary or not. First of all, let me say this.
This is a long story and I am not a good writer, so if you don’t like it, please skip it.
It was the winter of December 27 or 28, six years ago.
I had finished the year-end cleaning at work that afternoon, and went to take out the oversize garbage, old magazines, etc., to the garbage dump.
Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something.
It was an old-looking paulownia box that had been thrown away.
I was curious as to what was inside, so I opened the lid.
Wrapped in several layers of thin white paper, it contained a ball made of a beautiful bluish stone.
I’ve found something amazing! Maybe it’s worth something! I took the box and the stone home from the garbage.

When I went home at night and lifted the box on the floor to decorate my room, it felt heavier than during the day.
What? I thought, “What?” and as I was about to take out the stone from the box, I felt a jolt or a bang, like static electricity, in my hand.
At the time, I thought it was just static electricity.
Reflexively, I pulled my hand back and touched the stone again, but there was no static electricity, and somehow it felt warm.
When I took it out, I found that the bluish stone had turned completely black.
I wondered if it looked different under the rather dark incandescent light in the room than it did in the daylight.
Thinking this, I held the stone in my hand and held it up to the light, when my cell phone rang.

It’s my friend A. It’s been a while, and he says, ‘I’m having a drink at a bar in my neighborhood, would you like to come?
I guess that’s an unusual thing to do, have a drink with that guy?
But nostalgia won out and I took him up on the offer and went to a bar about 5-6 minutes away by bike.
We started drinking around 11:00, and had a good time talking about old times and foolishness until about 3:00 am.
We were both pretty drunk.
On the way home, A said to me, “I’m glad I asked you out today. Don’t ever learn from this and go out with me.
I said, “Of course! You can ask me out anytime,” and we parted.
I was drunk, but for some reason I vividly remember that exchange.
After that, I rode home on my motorcycle, but I don’t remember the ride home. (I am sorry to the police, but it is probably a miracle that I made it home.)
I think I went home and went to bed immediately.
When I woke up in the morning, my clothes were still on, my bag was still over my shoulder, but for some reason I had taken off my jeans.
I wondered why, so I picked up my jeans and found that from the knees down they were black, or rather, black and wet. I felt like I was soaked in a ditch.
I don’t think I smelled anything.
I thought, “Wow,” and let go of my jeans.
Immediately, I wondered if he had fallen into a ditch or somewhere else after he had fallen off his bike. I looked for anything unusual on my body. I soon found it.

I cannot raise my right hand (arm to shoulder).
If I were to use an analogy, it feels as if the area between the collarbone and the nerve line is being held down with tremendous force.
If I push too hard, I get severe pain from the shoulder down.
Thinking that I might have been sleeping strangely, I went to the garage to check the bike.
The bike was completely intact. That meant that it had not been fall off a bike. But it hurt.
When I told my parents about it, they told me to go to the hospital, so I got on my bike (driving with one hand) and went to the emergency hospital.
They did X-rays, MRI, and other tests, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with her, and the doctor said, “It really hurts.
I was in pain, and what hurts, hurts, and it became a bit of a heated argument.
When I got home, my sister said to me, “Are you possessed by something?” I started wondering about the stone I picked up yesterday.
The only thing that had changed recently was that I had picked up the rock yesterday.
I didn’t believe in ghosts or supernatural phenomena at all, but I couldn’t help but be curious about the stone.
I hurried back to my room. While I was returning to my room, for some reason I had a strong feeling that this pain was caused by the stone. It was just a hunch.
The stone on the desk turned black and transparent. and the inside was bright red.

Seeing this sent a shiver down my spine.
As I was leaving the room to tell my sister about this, I couldn’t move my body properly. My legs wouldn’t move.
Is this a Kanashibari? This? That was when I was sleeping, right? I was so impatient because it was the first time for me to be in Kanashibari.
Then suddenly, I heard A’s voice saying, “I’m glad I asked you out today.
Or rather, I heard it echoing in my head. The words kept going around and around.
Eventually, I became dazed and suddenly realized that I was sleeping on the floor of my room.
It was already evening. Was it a dream?
I immediately looked at the stone on the desk. It was pitch black. Just like last night.
I suddenly felt scared and thought about getting rid of the stone.
When I had dinner with my family, I decided not to tell them what had happened during the day. I didn’t think I would get a straight answer anyway.
The only conversation we had was about a TV special at the end of the year (Record Awards? I think it was something about a TV year-end special (Record Awards? I forget).
I went back to my room right after dinner and thought about what to do with the stone.
Anyway, I couldn’t leave it here.
Should I go and throw it away at the original place or some other appropriate place?
Somehow I decided it would be better to return (throw away) the stone to its original place, and decided to go to the dump site of the building where I work tomorrow.
I put the pitch-black stone in a box, took a bath, and was about to go to bed when the house phone rang. It was my friend A. He said, “I’m free today. Let’s have a drink at XXX (the name of the bar we went to yesterday).”


I was thinking, “Hey, I drank yesterday,” but I didn’t have anything else to do and was going to go to bed, so I said okay. “But I can’t ride my bike because I can’t lift my right hand when I wake up today. ”
“No way! You got hurt? I don’t know why! Are you okay?,” A said.
But I said, “Sure, I can go.”
We arrived there without any difficulty, as it was not too far away and I was getting used to using one hand.
It was the end of the year, and A was the only customer at the bar.
The first thing I said was, “But why did you call me at home? Why didn’t you call me on my cell phone?
A: “Long time no see, but…. How have you been? I only know your old number.
I said, “Idiot, what are you talking about? We broke up today. Today. Are you still drunk?
A “Today? What are you talking about? You didn’t meet him today, did you?
I said, “I mean from yesterday to today. That’s enough!
I drove here with my bicycle in hand, so at least let me have a beer.
A “I don’t understand. I haven’t seen you in a while, and you’re so creepy.
I “Oh! For the time being. I don’t know what it is, but good job!
I “Hey, I don’t remember how we got home yesterday, did you make it home okay?
A “You know, what are you saying that’s so creepy? Are you crazy?”
I said, “Mr. XX! (Bar owner’s name, hereafter M) He and I were here yesterday, weren’t we?
Ma “No, neither of us were here.
Curious, I looked at my cell phone’s call log. There were three incoming calls yesterday. For some reason, A’s name was not among them.

I mean, was there a bar owner? I asked myself.
A “Oh, it’s so obvious he’s lying, isn’t it?
I said to myself, “Wait…he’s not lying!
I tried to remember yesterday’s situation, but for some reason I just couldn’t remember.
I could barely remember the words, “I’m glad I asked you out today. I said, “I’m glad I asked you out today.
A “I didn’t say anything like that. You said it was a dream. A dream, a dream.
I said, “No, that’s not true. But I don’t remember it at all. Why is that?
A “You should go to the hospital. I don’t remember anything, it’s scary.
I “Wait a minute. Then, let’s assume that what you say is true.
A “I don’t know your cell phone number, and I didn’t have a drink with you yesterday. In fact, I wasn’t even in Osaka. I have proof.
He showed me a receipt from a hotel in Fukuoka City. The date is today’s morning check-out.
What’s going on? What’s going on here? Am I going crazy?
With my head in disarray, I said, “Whoa! I can’t remember!” I was struggling with this, when A suddenly said.
A said, “I want you to listen to me seriously.
A spoke a little sadly.

A “Tomorrow is the anniversary of XX (A’s younger brother)’s death, right? And I don’t know what it is, but I had a dream about you guys.
And I felt nostalgic, or rather, I thought, well, I’ll tell you later, I have to meet you.
It’s been 5 years since my brother died, so you may have forgotten, but we used to play together.
That day, I somehow knew my brother was going to die. I can only say this after the fact.
I’ve been having dreams about people I know for a long time, sometimes several days in a row.
At first they are black and white, but then they turn sepia, or bright red.
After that, I feel like something bad is going to happen to that person. Injuries, death…
I had this dream about a week before my brother’s dream (his dream), and maybe it was a coincidence, but my brother’s dream turned bright red, too.
After that, he died.
I said, “How do you know he’s going to die? Of course not! You should have told me a better lie!
I’m telling you, I’m not lying!
M “No, I heard that there are people who know when they are going to die. One of my friends said something like that.
His mother was also like that.
A “Well, I don’t know if I’m like that or not, but that’s the way it turned out.
I “Well, that’s all right. So? The dream in which you knew you were going to die?
A “Yes, I had a dream yesterday that about one-third of my body suddenly turned red.
To be honest, I’ve never had anything like this before, and I didn’t know what to do, so I came to see you.
To be more precise, I saw you and my brother in some kind of grassy field, and the shaky grass-like ground was bright red.
I think it’s just like this.
He pointed to his knees.

A “When I have a red dream, it usually starts out black and white and slowly changes to red.
I’ve never seen a red dream out of nowhere, so I was surprised.
I “Does that mean something will happen to me?
A “I don’t know. Maybe it is, maybe it’s not.
I “Does it mean I might die?
A “I don’t know.
I “But, I don’t know how I can believe you if you suddenly say something like that!
While we were having such an exchange, A said with a face like she was about to cry.
A “In that dream, I was there too.
I “You’re not my brother and me? You didn’t tell me that at first.
A “I was afraid I would die if I told you, so I didn’t.”
I “Well, I could die, you’re the worst”.
A “It’s not a given that I’m going to die, it’s just a dream”.
I said, “Well, don’t be so excited about a dream, it’s just a dream.”
Actually, I was quite scared. I just had to laugh at A’s bad dream.
But then I began to realize that it wasn’t funny.
The jeans I saw this morning!
My head was getting all messed up. Did I meet A yesterday? If not, who on earth did I meet?
Or rather, where had I been?
I don’t know his cell phone number, I didn’t see him at the bar, I didn’t see him in the red dream I had this morning, the red dream below the knees, the red dream below the knees, the red dream below the knees.
The jeans I saw this morning that were soaked black from the knees down.
It all came rushing in at once, my head hurts and my ears ring. I don’t think I was very drunk.
I said I couldn’t think of anything else now, I couldn’t do it, I had to go home, and A offered to give me a ride home.
I refused. I felt bad for some reason.

A and I left the bar; A was still trying to say something, but I didn’t care, I got on my bike.
A finally said, “Be careful on your way home.
I said, “You can’t talk about other people, can you? I thought he would laugh, but he nodded with a straight face.
I looked away in a panic. I don’t know what it was, but I felt bad.
I arrived at the house driving my bicycle with one hand.
As soon as I arrived, someone pushed me back from behind. Immediately after that, my cell phone rang.
When I turned around, no one was there. It was A on the phone.
I said, “What? What’s wrong?”
A: “I just wanted to see how you were doing.
His voice sounded so cheerful that I knew in my gut that what she said earlier was a lie.

I thought, “Are you kidding me?” and decided to say something to A.
I “What, what do you mean, how are you doing?”
A: “Are you okay? You were so drunk yesterday.”
I “Umm, yeah… so?”
A: “I was wondering if we got home okay.”
Something different. This time I knew it was different. I knew it wasn’t the A I had met earlier.
Was it the atmosphere? I felt like there was something different in the air.
I “What are you talking about? You’re… A?”
A “…you want me to pick you up?”
I “Don’t come, don’t come!”
A “Do you want me to pick you up?
I “Don’t come! Don’t come! Don’t come!
Halfway through the conversation, I must have been talking on my cell phone, but it was like voices were going round and round in my head.
I think I passed out.
My mother woke me up in the morning when I was sleeping at the entrance and said to me, “You’re too old for this.
What do you mean, you’re old enough to wet the bed?”
My black pants were soaked from the waist down. There was no smell.
I checked my cell phone’s incoming call log, and A’s name was not there.

After noon that day, I decided to go to the dump site of the building where I work. I drove my bicycle one-handed to the station.
I took the subway and headed for the dumpster at work.
I decided to throw the whole box into the building dumpster, so I took one last scary peek inside the box.
I almost slumped down on the spot.
The stone was broken in half.
The outside was black and the inside was bright red. I was scared to death.
My hands started shaking so badly that I couldn’t stop.
I was so scared and confused that I thought, “When I first saw, it was blue.
Suddenly the shaking stopped. My body was quite cold. I left the box with the stones in it at the trash and went to the station as quickly as I could.
I went to the station, but I felt a sense of freedom after throwing away the stones. I went to a pachinko parlor, where I usually don’t play pachinko.
Chasing balls in a daze, I didn’t have to think about anything important.
When I came to, the sun was setting and my money was almost gone.
When I got home at night, finished dinner, and took a bath, my mom, who had left for an errand in the evening, came home.
She said to me.
You! Where have you been! I’ve been trying to call you, but your cell phone isn’t working! Didn’t you listen to the answering machine?
Didn’t you have named A? I heard he passed away. He called me. His mother asked me to call her back.

A? No way! I call A’s house.
I say, “Hello, this is XX (my name).
I’m in a bit of trouble. I’m going to call your wife, so please wait for me.
There was a lot of commotion over there.
Mom A said, “XX-kun, A is…”
I “My mother told me. I’m on my way.
Mom A: “No, the wake will be a little later. ”
I “No, today is better. I met A yesterday.
Mom “I thought that was probably the case. If that’s the case, well, please come to my house. Please be careful.
I hung up the phone and called a cab to A’s house. I used to go there often.
When I arrived at A’s house, A’s mom showed me to A’s room, saying, “I want to show you something. As soon as I opened the door, I had a bad feeling.
On the glass table, there was a doodle pad? She said, “Open it.
Inside was a letter to me and Mom A.
Here is what was inside. (Not the full text.)

Dear Mom
Mom, when you see this, call XX and tell him to read this!
Dear XX
I’m sorry I said some weird stuff yesterday.
But you were saying weird things too.
As for the dream, when I came home afterwards, I saw that the entire lower half of my body was red.
And then it slowly turned red all the way up to my neck. Of course, so did I.
I was curious, but you were holding something black, and the area around it was abnormally red.
It was like a mass of something. That’s all I can tell.
Today is the anniversary of my brother’s death, and maybe it will be mine too. It’s a stupid thing to say.
We have the same birthday.
I’m sorry to tell you this, but I might go first. Thank you for giving birth to me.
What is this? I feel like I’m being pulled in this way. I’ve been feeling a pull from something lately.

The letter only went so far.
No one knows if he knew he was going to die or not.
Mom A went to the kitchen saying, “I’m going to make some tea.
In the meantime, I was flipping through a doodle book with nothing written on it but a letter, and my hand stopped involuntarily.
There it was.
It was a big, black circle.
The center was painted bright red. With a crayon.
It had been painted over and over again, and the black was raised.
There was something written in small letters on the edge of the page. Or perhaps it looked like it was written in pencil and erased with an eraser?
It wasn’t written, but it was a mark.
It said, “Looking for something.
And it was in handwriting that was clearly different from A’s, no matter who saw it.
To tell the truth, this is the scene that remains most vivid to this day.

I don’t know what the circumstances were, but A had died in her bed as if asleep.
When A’s mother tried to wake him up before noon, he was not breathing.
When she brought him to the hospital, he was already dead.
When she took off her clothes at the hospital, she said, “There were some red, worm-like swellings from her legs to her neck.
I wonder if he wrote the letter right after he woke up from the dream and fell asleep in the middle of the letter.
I don’t know anything, including about the stone, but somehow everything happened right after I picked up the stone.
Was it the stone that saved me or was it A that saved me?
I don’t know if the stone and A had anything to do with each other.
December 31. I had a high fever of about 40 degrees from midnight to the morning of January 2.
A appeared many times in my dreams. He seemed to be shouting something, but I don’t know what it was.
I also went to the garbage dump. It was already gone.
My arm suddenly started to go up after New Year’s Day, January 5 (maybe).
Nothing has happened since then.

Mom A told me later that, coincidentally, his brother also same situation when he died.
A was thought to have committed suicide, but it turned out to be something like heart failure. (I think it was a very suspicious death.)
Because of that, I heard that some police people came to A’s mom’s place to question her.
There were no traumatic injuries (the worm sores went away quickly for some reason) or drug (poison?) reactions, and it was determined that it was not a murder.
His father died when A was 5 years old, and it seems that Papa A was a man who knew when people were going to die.
By the way, as mentioned in the letter, A and A’s brother have the same birthday. I actually have the same birthday too.
I’m still a little afraid of the end of the year.




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