Strange story

#81 Suicide Woman and Painting

I have a friend (M-kun) who is quite psychic, and this is a very strange story he told me.

In front of the station where we live, there is a large apartment complex.
Whenever M-kun went to and from the station, he always passed through the housing complex.

One day, he was walking through the complex as usual to go home.
He had some work left to do that day, so you went home later than usual.
Usually, the area is relatively busy with children playing and housewives on their way home from shopping.
However, it was quite late at night, and not many people were to be seen in the area.

After passing Building No. 1 and No. 2, as we approached a small park with only a sandbox, benches, and swings, he caught a glimpse of a figure.
He wondered what they were doing so late at night, and when he looked from a distance, he saw that it was a woman’s hanging corpse.

What is it with these things at a time like this…
Normally, he would have been so surprised and panicked that he would have run away.
But M-kun has a good head on his shoulders.
He called the police with the feeling that he had just found something troublesome.

The police arrived, the number of onlookers increased considerably, and what awaited M-kun was a long interrogation.
He was made to sit on a bench facing a tree next to the sandbox where he had hanged himself, and a police officer sat next to him.
A police officer sat next to him and asked him the same questions over and over again.

In the end, when he got home, he was too tired to work, so he went to sleep right away that day.

The next day, M woke up and was getting ready to go to work when the police called and asked him to come to the station immediately.
The police said, ‘I have something I want you to see.’ He seemed somewhat strange, so he reluctantly went to the police station.

When he arrived at the station, he was greeted by the officer from yesterday and taken to his room.
When M-kun asked him why he had called the police officer, the officer mumbled something that sounded like he was having a hard time saying something.
When M-kun looked at him suspiciously, the officer said
No, I had the woman’s mother look for a suicide note, but something strange turned up.
As soon as he opened his mouth, he spoke as if he had just been weighed down, and pulled out a sketchbook from a brown envelope.
I want you to look at this…”

M-kun handed it to me and turned the pages one by one.
There were drawings of fruits, furniture, and so on, as if she had attended some kind of painting school.
Among them, there was only one landscape painting.
A landscape I had seen somewhere before…
There was a swing, a sandbox, a woman hanging from a tree next to it with a rope around her neck…
And on a bench, a young man and what looked like a policeman were sitting.
The sketchbook was found in a locked desk drawer.
No fingerprints other than the woman’s were found, apparently.
Anyway, after that, M-kun was questioned about his relationship with the woman.
M-kun said, “If that’s the case, why is the policeman also drawn?” The two of them argued in a panic.
In the end, they could not come to an agreement, and M-kun was sent home, and the case was settled as a suicide without a suicide note.

M-kun is somewhat psychic and has experienced spiritual phenomena before, but he has never experienced anything so inexplicable and frightening.


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