Strange story

#68 Strange story encountered at camp

I would like to tell you about the most inexplicable event I have experienced.
I am afraid it is not a scary story. Sorry.

About 3 years ago this summer, I went camping with a group of friends.
The members were myself, A, A’s girlfriend Y, and M, a mutual friend of mine and Y. The place was in a mountain in the central part of Japan.
We went to a place in the mountains in the Chubu region, a place A had been to once before, and it was said to be a very hidden spot.
We left from Osaka, went through Kyoto, and got on the highway when we all gathered. That was on August 10.
The camp was scheduled to last two nights, and we were scheduled to return home on August 12.

As we approached the mountains, we were gradually covered by thick fog.
There was almost no visibility. Even so, we managed to get to a place where we could park our car.
We parked our car in a space along the road and walked about 40 minutes to our destination.
However, we waited for the fog to clear because it was dangerous due to poor visibility.
We spent about an hour in the car, but the fog showed no sign of lifting, so we decided to go ahead and set off.
We entered the mountain on foot in the terrible fog.
The order of walking was A, Y, M, and myself, starting from the top.
After walking for about 30 minutes, we decided to take a break, at which point A whispered to me, “Maybe we took the wrong road.
I replied jokingly, “Give me a break!
Then A said something more.
A said, “If you walk for half an hour, you will be on the path along the river. But it still feels like we are in the mountains… But there was no fork in the road.
I said, “That’s because the fog is slowing down your walking speed, isn’t it?”
A seemed convinced and decided to continue on without turning back to check.
After another 30 minutes of walking, we finally reached the riverbank and the fog lifted.
We walked a little further and set up our tents on the riverbank.
When the fog cleared completely, we could see that it was a very beautiful place. We spent two nights there and had a great time.

The next day was sunny, but the last day was dreary with thick clouds in the morning.
We decided to get ready and leave before it rained, so we hurriedly got ready to leave and started walking, but we were covered by thick fog again.
We walked for a little over an hour, just as we had done on the way there, and returned to the car.

So I drove on and got on the highway and returned home smoothly.
However, when I exited the local interchange, I noticed that the date on the highway slip was August 11.
The date on the highway slip was August 11. I was driving, so no one else saw it.
I thought it was probably a mechanical failure, but something was different.
When we got off the highway, one of the girls was calling home and was arguing on the phone with her parents.
After she hung up, I asked her what was going on.
Her mother asked her, “Did you move up your schedule?”
When she asked her mother, “Why?” and her mother said, “You’re a day early.”
We heard her argue, “That’s not true,” and we knew she wasn’t lying.
Then we checked everyone’s cell phones, and my cell phone said August 12 … Y and M’s cell phones also said August 12 … but A’s cell phone said August 11.
There was something disturbing in the car. “What?” Why? What do you mean?” It was like, “What’s going on?
I remembered the slip I had just received and showed it to everyone.
I thought to myself, “Well, I need to check this out,”
I asked the convenience store clerk, “What day is it today?” She replied, “It’s the 11th!
I glanced at the newspaper in the convenience store and saw that it was the 11th.
I also made a few phone calls and asked. It was still the 11th.
In other words, we left on August 10, stayed two nights, and returned, but today is August 11.
The girls didn’t understand what it meant and started to cry.
I suddenly remembered and asked everyone what they had done with their cell phones while camping.
They told me that they had all taken their cell phones with them except for A, who had left hers in the car because it was out of range anyway.
Our conclusion was that the fog must have led us to the outer zone.

We were lucky because the Bon vacation was extended by a day as a result, right? But
For a while after that, every time I told that story to someone else, I was treated like a crazy.


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