Scary story

#51 A Scary Story About Reunions.

Here is a story I experienced this summer.

This summer, when I was wondering whether or not to return to the country, I received a phone call from Yoshida.
‘I haven’t been back in years, how are you doing? Are you going to attend this year’s reunion?
“We’re having a big party this year, so almost all the teachers and classmates will be there.
Mie, the secretary, has been blabbering about not being able to reach you.
Call her”.

Yoshida gave me Mie’s phone number and I contacted her and told her I would attend this year’s reunion.

When I attended the reunion, I saw the old faces of my classmates and teachers.
Since it had been 25 years since I had seen them, I could hardly match their faces and names, and everyone was angry at me and gave me a hard time.
Even a teacher who was a good friend of mine laughed at me, saying, “You’re still as rude as ever.”
But Yoshida was not among them.

When I asked Mie about it, she said, “Who’s Yoshida?” I was told.
Indeed, that is the only name I can recall.
No one else I asked had any idea.
And no one called me.
Even Mie, the secretary.
“I had confirmed attendance with everyone else by postcard, so I only gave them my home phone number.
I was surprised that only you called me directly on my cell phone.”
She said.
I didn’t expand further on the conversation because it seemed to me that the atmosphere there was going to get worse, but I didn’t get the feeling that anyone was lying.

The subject came up again at the second party.
No one could recall Yoshida, and I called my juniors, my parents, and even my brother, but no one knew.
None of my friends told me about the reunion.
However, my mother remembered a friend who seemed to be Yoshida.
Once before, Yoshida had brought home a dirty used book, saying it was his birthday present.
my mother couldn’t tell me to throw the book away because I was too eager to read it, but
My mother remember thinking, “What a strange friend to give a present that looks like something you picked out of the trash.”
This was the story.

My friend Taniguchi asked, “Is there any redial or anything left?” .
Since my cell phone saves 10 incoming calls, it would not be surprising if Yoshida’s phone number was left on my cell phone, which I do not use very often.
I checked and sure enough, there was a number that looked like it.
I pressed redial, and suddenly, what sounded like a cell phone ringtone started ringing on the other side of the door.
Immediately some of my friends opened the door, but no one was there.
At that moment, my cell phone battery died. (It’s been broken ever since)
Everyone got scared and the second party had to be cut short early.

Then the other day, I received a text message from Yoshida.
‘One of these days, I’m coming over there for a visit, so you’ll have to let me stay over then.’ It said.
I haven’t written back yet.



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