Scary story

#50 Scary story about the “watch shack” at my school.

The high school I attended was a spirited 120 years old.
The school building, which has been repeatedly reconstructed, is curved in a way that can only be described as strange to the untrained eye.
Although it is a one-story building, which is rare nowadays, it has a staircase that extends from the wall at the end of the corridor to the ceiling.
Other features include a music room just inside the entrance and a classroom with an embedded door that is no longer accessible.
(From the outside, it is objectively screened with plywood.)
The strangest of all is that there is a “watch shack”.

I was a long way from home, so sometimes I was allowed to stay at a local friend’s house or at the teacher’s company house.
On the day that I happened to have no place to stay, I decided to stay at the “watchtower.
At first glance, the hut looks like just a private house. It is a single eight-mat room with an old-fashioned telephone and a small kitchen.
That night I learned firsthand why this place was called the “Watchtower.

In addition to me, another friend was going to stay with me in the hut.
We were excited, feeling like we were on a school excursion.

We were having dinner and chatting when suddenly the phone rang.
I was scared, but when I answered the phone, it was the janitor man.
Since we were two female students, they seemed to be concerned about us.
He warned me not to get too excited, and when I was about to hang up the phone, he said
He said, “Oh, I forgot…make sure you close the curtains on the west side window and go to bed.”
At that time, I answered “Yes” and hung up the phone, but when I thought about it, I could not understand what he meant.
The cemetery behind the school was not in that direction.
My friend opened the curtains without a second thought, saying, “That’s funny.
There was an old well, which was worshipped with a hemp rope in a disastrous manner.


It was exactly blocked by a U-shaped school building and a hut, something I’d never had the chance to see before, and yet…
For a moment, I got chills.
We fell asleep under the covers, saying things like, “It’s so weird.”

I don’t know how long I slept… I woke up shivering from the cold at my shoulders.
When I looked up, my friend was gone.
There was no bathroom in the hut, so I waited for a while, thinking he might have gone to the teachers’ dormitory to borrow one, but he did not come back.
I opened the door and looked outside, but there was no sign of him coming back from either the school building or the teachers’ dormitory.
I returned to my room, anxious, wondering where he had gone.
Feeling really casual, I opened the curtains of the window ahead of me.
My friend in her underwear was by the well.
She was fidgeting with her hands around her waist.
When I was about to close the curtains in disgust that she was trying pee next to the well because she couldn’t find the bathroom.
Suddenly caught in a strange sensation, I turned my eyes toward the well once more and almost screamed.
I realized that what she had a rope wrapped around her waist.
And she was crouching down and had a large stone strapped to the end of the rope.
I couldn’t even speak.
And a slimy white hand reached out from the well.
The hand wriggled around as if probing for something, and eventually grabbed a nearby hemp rope.
My friend hung her head down deeply and showed no reaction.
Hands gripping the rope pulled the stones closer together.
I thought I screamed out in a frenzy, but I couldn’t speak.

”Oh… A is taken away…!”
Just as I thought this, the phone rang piercing the darkness.
At the same time as it rang, I fell on my butt on the futon that had been spread out on the floor.
As soon as I did, I felt my body, which had been in a state of bondage, suddenly lighten.
The next thing I knew, I ran outside barefoot and rushed to my friend by the well.

I wonder how long I called out to her as I managed to carry her unconscious into the hut.
After a while, my friend came to herself and started crying.
I, freed from my fear, joined her and began to cry as well.
In the meantime, I grabbed the telephone to call someone for help.
At that moment, my friend and I, who were fell on our butts on the futon again.
The telephone I had grabbed with the receiver was just a piece of gadgetry, and instead of being connected to the telephone line, the mechanical part inside was empty.

I was later told that
For some reason, when the school first opened, there was no end to the number of students who attempted suicide by throwing themselves into this well, so an attempt was made to reclaim the well.
After a series of unfortunate events, including the deaths of a number of people involved, the reclamation of the land was eventually abandoned.
The well was reconstructed so that it would not be visible to the public.
Even so, people would come out of nowhere to throw themselves down the well.
A “watch shack” was set up to keep an eye on them.
The man stationed at the hut, who was in charge of monitoring the well, also threw himself into the well.
The hut and well were left as they were.

How did the caller get the phone call advising him not to open the curtains?
And was he really the man in charge of the watch?


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