Scary story

#44 A scary story a mother and daughter experienced on a trip to a hot spring.(latter part)

The proprietress of the ryokan told me the truth about the scary things that happened at the hot spring.


They ran out.
There was no time to wipe their bodies.
They hurriedly put on their yukata, left their belongings behind, and ran into the corridor to the sushi bar at the very front.
“There’s something in there! There’s something in the bath!”
The daughter shouted loudly to the chef.
The chef, who at first listened to their conversation with a dubious look on his face, gradually turned pale.
“Is that story true?”
“I wouldn’t lie about that.”
The daughter felt like a fool and unintentionally yelled at him.
The mother followed suit.
“I saw it too,” she said. “It’s true.”
When the chef heard the mother’s comment, he made a phone call to somewhere.

After a while, a woman who appeared to be the proprietress of the restaurant arrived.
The mother and daughter calmed down a little and intuited that something bad had happened.

The proprietress greeted him lightly and began to speak slowly.

About five years ago, a woman came to this inn.
She had long hair.
She wanted to work here.
The proprietress immediately agreed, perhaps because of a serious shortage of staff.
However, the woman had one problem.
She had a terrible bruise from her left eye to her cheek.
She said, “I don’t mean to be rude, but Is that all right with you?”

“No problem.”
The woman replied and became an employee of the inn.

She worked hard.
She also had a cheerful personality that could not be imagined from her face.

One day, the proprietress asked the woman about her birthmark.
He thought she might not like it, but she told him clearly.
She told her that the man she was dating before coming here was a heavy drinker.
She told her that he had been dating a bad fellow.
She had been beaten up badly.
I have a bruise from that time.
The woman answered cheerfully.
I got tired of living like that, so I ran away.
The woman who said so was said to be quite beautiful if not for the bruises on her face.

Some time later, a man arrived at the inn with three companions.
He confronted one of the employees with a photograph.
I’m looking for this guy.”
It was that woman.
Of course, I answered, “I don’t know her,” and turned her away.
But this is a small spa town. She must have found out.
The proprietress thought so and did everything in her power to protect the woman.

But the woman was terrified and mentally ill.
She had been so cheerful, but she hardly wanted to talk.
The landlady was worried, but the woman only said “I`m fine”.

One day, the woman did not show up for work at the appointed time.
She did not answer the phone and was not in her room.
In the end, there was nothing she could do about it, so he decided to call it an unauthorized absence.

“Oh my God!.
What’s going on? The employee took me to the bathroom.
There she was.
Outside the window, she had hung herself from the branch of a large pine tree standing to the right.
I hurried to take her down, but she was already dead.
Sadly, the woman had probably washed her hair before she died.
She must have been very proud of it.
The smell of shampoo was still in the air.

The pine tree was cut down for bad luck.
It was burned at the temple along with a long rope of her hair.

…So, the place where she was hanging…
It was where our guest saw that ‘something’.”
The landlady looked into my mother’s eyes as she said this.


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