Scary story

#13 A scary story that a man who met at an off-line meeting of people who like scary stories starts telling.

I love scary stories and enjoy hearing, reading and watching them.
At that time, my boom was especially in meet-up, as they are now called, where people who like scary stories get together and have dinner.
I would have dinner with people who shared the same interests and talked about the same topics. Nothing could be more blissful.
This is the story of why I stopped going to meet-up.
The group I used to belong to used to hold irregular gatherings with friends who had the same time.
About 20 to 30 people gathered each time, and although it was mostly the same group of people, there was some turnover.
On that day, there was a newcomer who left a particularly strong impression on me.
Even though it was a private dinner party, there was a man who was wearing a suit.
Well, some people wear suits for everyday wear, so I didn’t mind too much.
More importantly, the man looked very pale.
(Perhaps he works for a black company and lives a life so short that he can’t afford to change out of his suit.)
and so on, giving rise to unnecessary concerns.
Anyway, I was intrigued by the man and looked for an opportunity to talk to him.
The chance came immediately.
When the dinner party started, the man came to sit next to me.
We immediately struck up a conversation.
I said, “Nice to meet you, my name is ▲▲ (my handle).”
“▲▲? That’s an unusual name.”
“No, this is not my real name, but the name of the account I use in the group.
What is your account name?”
“Account name… Oh, I don’t have one, so just use my real name, K.”
I wondered why he came here if he was not in the group, but it was a place for fun, so I did not care too much.
“By the way, why are you wearing a suit?”
“I have a long story to tell you. Could you please listen?”
After prefacing his story with this, the man began to speak.
I had a woman I had been dating since I was a student.
Her name was M. She was a really nice girl.
She was kind to everyone, beautiful, and had a very cute smile. A woman’s smile cheers me up, and she was very special.
She was very popular, and I am sure I was not the only one who felt that way.
Our relationship continued after we entered the workforce, and we both began to think about marriage….
Our common hobby was watching movies, so we went to see the hottest movie together that day.
It was on the third floor of a large building, so we took the elevator up.
Well, you are young, so you should use the stairs, right?
Really, I should have used the stairs….
There were two of us and one other man in the elevator at the same time.
Then a funny thing happened.
The man forced his way in between me and M and pushed me to the end of the elevator.
What? I was thinking, “What’s going on?” when the man spoke to M.
“It’s been a long time, M. Remember me?”
I was puzzled by the suddenness of the situation, but M seemed more confused than I was.
Under the circumstances, it was understandable. It’s not normal.
The man continues talking on his own.
“Ah~! It’s okay if you don’t remember.
Yeah, if I’m the only one who remembers it, that means I like it that much.
I’m S. We were together from preschool through middle school.”
After a pause at the mention of S, M seems to remember, but that still doesn’t explain the situation.
M says, “S-kun… I remember you… What?”
When I replied, the man named S said something outrageous.
“M, I’ve come for you. Let’s get married.”
I was so mad.
“What the hell are you?”
Grabbing him by the chest, I question S.
Then S says
“I loved M first! You came after. That’s why I won.”
I don’t understand at all.
I thought it was pointless to try to deal with him anymore.
I hugged M, left the elevator, and walked away.
As we were leaving, the man named “S” said to me
“I’m sure I’ll be there to pick you up~!”
I was very surprised to hear this.
We were no longer in the mood for a movie, so we had a discussion as we drove home.
I said, ‘What the hell is that guy?!’
M ‘S-kun. A person I’ve been with for a long time, for sure. But we just happened to be together, and he was quiet, shadowy, and had nothing to do with me at all…’
I could see that M was trembling. It’s not surprising, is it?
At any rate, I decided to be wary of this S guy.
The next day, as usual, M and I encouraged each other to get up and go to work.
Just as I was about to arrive at the office, I received a call from M.
“K, help me, S is in my office!”
Anyway, I had a bad feeling. But I didn’t expect such a sudden change.
It was the day after what happened yesterday.
I met M at a convenience store near her office and l headed there.
I met M at a convenience store.
M looked completely pale and very pitiful.
“Where is S?”
When I asked her, she told me that S was waiting for me in front of my office.
I headed there immediately, and sure enough, there he was.
The moment I saw S, I couldn’t contain my anger and stormed over to him.
“Hey! What the hell is wrong with you! That’s enough!”
Passersby took notice of my angry voice during my commute to work.
But I am not interested in that.
S says.
“I told you I’m here to pick M up. I love M. I’ve loved M for a long time, even longer than you. I’ve been watching M for a long time, and M is mine.”
The next thing I know, S is blown to the ground.
I had punched him.
I was so furious that I didn’t realize what I had done.
I was restrained by people around me and the police were called.
I managed to settle the situation with a stern warning….
M and I took the rest of the day off from work.
When S left, he said
“I’ll come get M.”
“I’ll pick M up.”
We were shaken, thinking that this guy was out of the ordinary and that we had gotten tangled up with an unbelievable guy.
Then S started following M around.
Peace can be over in an instant.
S shows himself to M, but never calls out to him. He just shows himself.
That’s what’s so disgusting.
If an injury or something like that actually happened, well, it would be a big problem, but then the police would take action.
But under the current circumstances, they can excuse that they were just there by chance, and they won’t be charged with a crime.
But it is a sure way to make M aware of me.
M has become withdrawn and neurotic because S shows up everywhere she goes, and her smile has all but disappeared.
Even though she was shut up, S’s attacks did not stop.
He would call M whenever he had time.
Where he got M`s phone number?
Naturally, M took countermeasures such as rejecting the calls, but S has an unbelievable number of phone numbers, doesn’t he?
Even if M reject the number, S call again with a new number. There is no end to it.
In the end, I had to cancel M’s cell phone.
I thought this would be the end of it, but then the mail started arriving at M’s room.
Along with S’s ardent love letters, 11 photos of M from her childhood arrive every day.
Some of them were childhood photos that only the family owned, and some of them were taken at different times, but most of them looked like stolen photos.
M was visibly going through a rough patch.
I quit my job because I couldn’t leave the house, and I was the only one by her side and took it out on me, so it became a very difficult relationship, even though I loved him.
As a side note, M couldn’t rely on her family because of a family tragedy.
As for me, I was so impressed by S’s persistence that I was even admiring him.
He’d have to really like M for a long time to do something like that.
I thought that my love for M might not be that great.
And in my heart, I also thought that it was wrong for M to be popular…she was the worst kind of girl, wasn’t she?
We were driven into a corner and decided to take the plunge and find out more about S.
However, the more we looked into S, the more we found that he was a very elusive person.
There was no one who could be called a friend, and there was no evidence that he had ever worked for a company.
He didn’t stand out in sports or studies, and when we asked M’s classmates about him, they didn’t even remember or know him because he was so shadowy.
S’s parents were wealthy and lived in a large house.
He was the middle of three siblings, but when I visited his parents’ house, they would not even take me seriously, saying, “I don’t know such a child.”
Unlike M, he had a family, but I had never seen such a lonely guy, and I felt a little sorry for him.
And that night.
As a distraction, I was taking M for a nighttime stroll down the street.
Then S appeared in front of me.
M screamed.
I asked M to talk to her.
“I don’t think we should be a couple anymore.”
I said.
M said, “What?”
K “…I’m stepping down.”
It was the only decision I had left to make.
M “Really? You’re lying! You’re abandoning me!”
M lashes out at me.
But I can’t decide what to do.
Then S said.
“Why don’t you use this?”
I looked at S and saw a kitchen knife in his hand.
S said, “You can kill me with this. Here.”
S handed me the knife.
I must have been in a corner myself.
Oh, what the heck, that’s all right.
I thought so and rushed toward S.
I felt warmth in my own hands.
The moment I felt that, S collapsed on the spot.
S was carried away by an ambulance, but he died as it was.
I was arrested for murder. I was sent to prison for a while.
Everyone who was worried about me came to visit me at the prison. Of course, M came, too.
During the visit, M said something to me.
“S-kun still comes to see me.”
S should not be here on earth anymore….
At that time, I did not understand what M meant.
After serving my sentence and finally being released, I went to M’s house first.
She said, “I’ll be waiting for you with K’s favorite pork gingerbread.”
I went there with the words M had said to me a few days before, suppressing the feeling of hurry.
And the moment I opened the door, what jumped into my eyes was…
It was the image of M hanging himself.
On the table was cold pork gingerbread and a letter from M.
In the letter, he thanked me and said he liked me.
It also said that S. appeared to me frequently as a ghost and that it wasn’t over yet.
In despair, I committed suicide by throwing myself from the roof of the building and died.
“I’m wearing the suit so that one day when I see M again, I’ll be ready to probose right away.”
I listened to the man in the suit for a very long time, but strangely enough, it seemed like only a moment.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it.”
and left the store.
I was in a kind of a daze, and I was in a kind of a flustered feeling until I arrived home after the meeting.
As I was commenting on the group to share the story of the man in the suit, I noticed something odd.
A “man in a suit? Was there ever such a person?”
I was so scared when I tried to talk to him but he didn’t respond…”
I thought he was in a bad mood, so everyone was very attentive.
To his surprise, not only did no one hear this story, but he said he did not even see the man in the suit.
They often say that scary stories attract spirits, but are you saying that the man in the suit was drawn to us at this time as well?
And Mr. K is looking around for Mr. M, thinking that if he became a ghost, he would be able to see him, but the fact that he hasn’t been able to see him means that Mr. M has already become a Buddha. Or….
I was shocked by this story, as well as the fact that I never thought I would be a party to a scary story, and I stopped participating in such gatherings.
I would like to caution everyone to be careful where scary stories gather.


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